direstraits said:
The practise of Taoism is actually quite ingrained into our society that I don't really know where Taoism begins and ends in our culture. I don't know when doing something is Taoism or actually Chinese culture. I'm not a Taoist, and I don't study it, so I didn't really pick up on the similarities in Earthsea.
Thinking about it now, I still don't see the Tao in Earthsea. Ged and gang didn't really go around with joss sticks, they don't pray or offer offerings to ancestors and then there's a lack of deities in the stories.
But if we're talking about the essential philosophy, then you probably know more than I do.

I'm as curious as Wabbit as to the Chineseness of Earthsea.

Flattering will get you far, besides I´m so tired of working on my essay for the moment so I´d rather discuss it.
Ok, say that I am a daoist after all. Have been for 15 years or so. A western daoist. In the spring of 1999 I made a pilgrimage to Baiyin Guan in Bejing. Why are you in China? People asked. "Cuz I´m a daoist" I would reply, the first few times. "Ah, which of the 800 schools?" "Er...who?What?"

I, stupid westerner would say, confused. I use to think there was only one teaching, and two important texts- Laozi and Zhuangzi.
We western daoists make many misimprentations and mistakes. So much so, that the daoism in west has become a whole new teaching or actually, several new teachings. And we tend to include any old chinese thing into what we call daoism. We can´t seperate daoism from whats just chinese culture, eighter...
Anyway, some things chinese or daoist about Earthsea:
1) Laozi was called a dragon by Confuzius. To turn into a dragon in Earthsea is a good thing, not like in christian tradition-to become the devil´s.
2) Le Guin is obsessed about uniting the opposing halfs of broken things, to a well balanced Tai Chi. Ged and Tenar, the two halves of Erreth-Akbehs ring, the broken Earthseaworld itself in the latest book. Think about the tombs of Atuan, they are devoid of all things yang. yin by itself is unalanced and bad, it must be corrected.
3) Le Guin often uses the same wording in Earthsea as in her own interpretation of Tao Te Ching "A book about the way and the power of the way". It´s really intresting...
4) Ogion and Ged represent the western idea and Le Guins changing ideas about how a daoist sage is.
5) There is an island called "Way" in Earthsea. Orm Irian is from there and also a book about alchemy (waidan) which makes a wizard drink quicksilver.
...Well, there will be more examples when I´m through... Are you impressed yet?