I have noticed that there are differences between the British and the American Amazon web sites. Of the two, I much prefer the UK version of Amazon.
There are two faults I personally find with the U.S version: It keeps trying to sell you things. Alright you say, it's supposed to!
Yes, but it keeps trying to sell you things OTHER than what you are searching for, and it's annoying. It just serves to clutter up the search page with junk and very loudly try to direct you to other sites. The other issue is the clutter. Amazon UK is much cleaner and streamlined. It's not full of advertisements and links.
Let's for my example take the book that I am reading right now which is Jonathan strange and Mr norrell
Searching for this book on both sites:
US search page
It shows you the book you wanted. It also shows you a lot of other junk by totally different authors whose books are unrelated. It also throws a big advertisement for a web site in the middle of the search page. I find it harder to find what I want on the site.
UK search page
Cleaner. Only showing the books you actually wanted in different formats. It also features the great listomania feature at the side
Once you get to the actual pages:
US page
UK page
Again I find the UK version much cleaner and helpful. I like the layout much better.
Of course, all this is personal preference. It's interesting they are different!
- Martin
There are two faults I personally find with the U.S version: It keeps trying to sell you things. Alright you say, it's supposed to!

Let's for my example take the book that I am reading right now which is Jonathan strange and Mr norrell
Searching for this book on both sites:
US search page
It shows you the book you wanted. It also shows you a lot of other junk by totally different authors whose books are unrelated. It also throws a big advertisement for a web site in the middle of the search page. I find it harder to find what I want on the site.
UK search page
Cleaner. Only showing the books you actually wanted in different formats. It also features the great listomania feature at the side
Once you get to the actual pages:
US page
UK page
Again I find the UK version much cleaner and helpful. I like the layout much better.
Of course, all this is personal preference. It's interesting they are different!
- Martin