Hollis said:Thanks guys! Yeah, my little one is my first. I'm just shy of 3 months, so I'm TRYING to not let it occupy my every thought! It's hard though!
More happy thoughts...I had a slew of them this morning right before my day turned HORRENDOUS! Where'd they all go? lol
Ah yes...the one bright point in the day today (and wouldn't you know, it involved food?) - the strawberries & cream pancake meal at Cracker Barrell. Gave me a warm fuzzy today.
you mentioned that you had morning sickeness. i had it in the worst way, finally had to be medicated as i could keep nothing down and was losing weight. they just gave me a mild form of gravol called diclectin(sp?) but it went away by the 4th month and then i could eat like a horse.