Well-Known Member
drmjwdvm said:I always read this thread to get book ideas and I wanted to mention that I've seen the Historian on a few people's lists. It may have already been a BOTM but if not you guys should nominate it. I've read it and think it would make for an excellent discussion book. I don't imagine I would reread it but I'd love to join in a discussion about it. Just my 2 cents.
My top TBR
1. The World According To Garp - Irving (one of my favorite authors)
2. This book you all probably NEVER heard of called Lolita by some guy with a funny last name
3. The Flanders Panel Arturo Perez Reverte
4. Mr Muo's Travelling Couch - Dai Sijie
5. (this one's still up for grabs)
That Lolita and the guy with the funny name sure get around a lot, don't they?