I fear this is going into the political arena a tad too much. We may be on shakey ground here....
Well it was political from the first post...
I can't equate what the terrorists are doing, with what some of our troops are doing in trying to prevent more acts of terrorism.
How many civillians have been killed in iraq by bombs etc?
How about this sentence from the link you provided "He claimed inmates staged a hunger strike in protest, and were then tortured with electric shocks." Although physical torture is often seen as worse, mental torture can be just as bad.
What happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"
Do you really want to live in a country where you can be arrested and tortured because you are a "suspected terrorist?" What is a "suspected terrorist" anyway, and how much evidence would you need to suspect someone of terrorism?
One of the biggest reasons for invading Iraq was to install a government that respected human rights. Where is it?
What about the nations know for violating human rights that are working together with america in the name of "war on terror". Whats beeing done in their prisons with american approval?
From Amnesty Internationals website:
"Torture is the ultimate corruption of humanity," said Denise Searle, Senior Director of Campaigns at Amnesty International. "Attempts at justification and the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in the 'war on terror' threaten the global ban on torture and ill-treatment, with traditional 'torture states' taking comfort from the actions and rhetoric of their former critics. We need to tackle torture and ill-treatment in the 'war on terror' if we are to reassert the global ban on these practices."
I say we are at war because that's a statement that has been made by our president 1000's of times over the last almost 4 years. It's no secret.
Other countries are supporting America, and there are very, very few that are standing against America in a public fashion.
The support was enormous after 9/11 from all over the world, yet day by day more and more people are withdrawing their support for the american "war on terrorism". Many nations are still officially supporting america, but in many of those nations the majority of people are now against the "war". Its not a war just because Bush says it is.
News reports like this dont give you more support.