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Hi all,

Just a question about trailers before movies (or, maybe, a couple)...

First up, do you like trailers before watching the main feature? Personally, I love them. I love the growly voice, the action, the teasing about films to come. I remember watching the first trailer for LotR: the Fellowship and wondering how I would be able to wait a whole six months for the movie.

Have you ever watched a trailer that made you go and watch a film, even though you'd had no interest in it before then? With me, this was Pirates of the Caribbean. Everything I'd heard before the film (it was based on a theme ride, for goodness sake) made me want to skip it, but the trailer looked awesome and I took the plunge. So glad I did.

And here's the crux - has a trailer made you doubt the quality of a film you've been excited about? I had this last night. Before watching Batman Begins, I caught a trailer for the new Willy Wonka, with Johnny Depp. Up til now, I had been looking forward to this film beyond all others in the summer. But, after watching the trailer, all I can think is 'meh'. It was far too manic and technicolour and suffered poor comparisons to the old film.

Anyone else?

Trailers often make me doubt the quality of a film I might otherwise have watched. The way I see it is, they've spent alot of time & money ensuring they choose some of the best clips of the entire film to entice a viewer, now if even the best clips do nothing for me, then what does that say for the rest of the film?

When it comes to films I know I want to see, I try to avoid the trailer altogether as I don't want anything to spoil it, quite often trailers inadvertantly give away parts of the plot (ie if a character is shown in a life threatening situation, but in the trailer you've already seen them later on in the film)

Taking the last two films that you mentioned, the trailers for both made me want to watch them.
Trailers that contain growling one liners would probably deter me from watching a movie. It gives the impression that they don't have a lot to offer in actual content.

I usually try to avoid trailers as they usually contain plenty of spoilers. I'm more interested in watching them afterwards when I've seen the movie to see how they've marketed it. I often find that trailers don't manage to give a good summary of good movies, one of the reasons is that a lot of movie goodies are presented as twist and turns.

I haven't exactly been excited about it but I was interested in seeing 'Batman Begins' until I saw trailers and additional footage.
not me, i like trailers. i do get irritated when they give everything away, but it doesn't make me want to see the movie any less. i have often not wanted to see a movie and then found the trailer piqued my interest.

what i DO HATE is TV commercials running in the theatre before the previews. liek i need to see that damned Toyota commercial on the friggin BIG screen!
depends, trailers can be a good way to let you know about a new film. But I find a LOT of trailers give FAR too much away. It's like the Jet Lee movie "Unleashed" the trailer gives ALL of the plot! I'm not kidding! The only bit I don't know is what happens RIGHT at the end! THATS SO BLOODY ANNOYING!!!!
usually i love trailers but i do find that nowadays like others have said, they are the coles notes of a film. too much info. although with films like lotr, i didn't care, i knew the story and the trailers did what they were supposed to; they enticed me. i will say that a well done trailer will make me want to see the movie more than one that gives it all away. M. Night Shyamalan's trailers are really good at this. they give away nothing. the old saying of why buy the cow if it gives the milk for free seems applicable with most trailers though.
Martin said:
I love trailers, love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!


Do you really love them, Martin? Do you just want to get into the trailers panties?! Yeah, sure, you sit there watching them and telling the trailers you love them.. but really you have dirty perv thoughts! You bad man!
Oh yeah - I'll buy 'em a drink, treat 'em nice, sweettalk 'em for a bit. But in the end, if it's not Wham bam thank you ma'am, it's a wasted night for me.

Nah the trailers are foreplay.

Ok, but seriously, I really do like trailers, but I like everything about films. I religiously read Empire Magazine, I keep track of all the new films on the Internet, and I watch all the trailers in the theatre.

i do hate missing the trailers. i'm always pissed when i'm with people who are soooooooo slow and we miss them. i always tell people i will meet them at the movie, i will be inside and i will save seats.
Yeah, only one thing pisses me off more than latecomers, and that's being the latecomer (which is always the fault of others).

that is why i always drive myself. meet people there. and if they don't show, then no one who will ask you "what did he say...who is that....i love him...." makes me crazy.
Jenem said:
do you guys get TV commercials before the trailers in Europe?
Yes, but they are not always TV commercials; some could not be shown on TV because they don't have a U content, so they are also shown on cinemas on 15 or 18 films. And, when you thought the commercials were over, you get the local ones: the local restaurant available for weddings and Christmas parties and the local dry cleaners and it just goes on and on :mad: