The waveguide
I love SF, but all I read was about planet travel, dragons, or turtles who are gods. Can anybody recommend a good book about travel in time and time-machines?
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Check out the Ring of Fire series by Eric Flint -starts with 1632-
and another one I like starts with Island in the Sea of Time by S. M. Stirling. Both involve modern day groups of folks swept back in time. Another great one is Time and Again by Jack Finney. I promise: not a single elf, fairy, or troll in sight in any of these series!
Adding to this author...I'd have to say that Conquistador by S.M. Stirling would be a good one too. I don't know if I'd call it time travel or alternate history. Another good one would be Traveler: The First Novel of the Fourth Realm Trilogy
by John Twelve Hawks
If you are into short stories, then Turtledove compiled a book entitled: The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century. It contains stories from Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury and Ursula Le Guin amongst others.