I think forum will like this story. it is latest episode of tree killer story, but more like tv show Green Acres, or maybe Three Stooges. I was digging up last stump of thorn tree, and wife starts nagging me about chop here, dig there, carry this, lift that,blah blah blah.
I tell her to go away and leave me be. She says if I leave you will chop water. There is water line between tree stump and wall, so she was afraid I would cut it while chopping roots with the cheap hatchet. I told her dont worry, I will not chop water line. Go away.
Now you know rest of story. Mud fell into hole and covered up line, and I chopped it all to hell like an idiot. As soon as it happened, I knew my life will be hell from now on. I will hear about this forever. Only good thing, finally got all stumps out. Good thing, before I wrecked the place.