New Member
When some authors decide to write a character with a mental illness or personality disorder, I've found that it seems all too easy for cliche and stereotype to put in an unwanted appearance. Too many just don't put the research in to making their character's struggles real.
If I am going to read about such a character, I want that character's story to be believable, want to learn what makes that character's mind operate so differently. I don't expect an expert clinician's essay on that particular illness, but I would like it if authors would do more than surface research.
Can anyone suggest fiction titles, of any genre, where they feel the author has done a particularly impressive job of writing a character who has a mental illness or neurological difference?
If I am going to read about such a character, I want that character's story to be believable, want to learn what makes that character's mind operate so differently. I don't expect an expert clinician's essay on that particular illness, but I would like it if authors would do more than surface research.
Can anyone suggest fiction titles, of any genre, where they feel the author has done a particularly impressive job of writing a character who has a mental illness or neurological difference?