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Washington Gladden was a well known minister and leader of the "social gospel" movement in the early 20th century. Gladden's book highlights the need to construct a better christian society by having churches and leaders become authoritative prophets who warn against the excesses of greed and materialism in industrial life. To Gladden, some churches preach to the individual and promise him "feel good" theology, at the expense of realizing greater potential with one's fellow man. Gladden states that man is inherently religious and that the social function is part of this. A good portion of the book excoriates "orthodoxism" and what he says-is the worshipping of the letter, and not the spirit of God. In this respect, he is clearly a liberal theologian who believes in a "living Bible" that can change with time as more truths become evident. He does mention evolution and science, though he saves his wrath for churches that failed to condemn industrial men who threw others out of work, and who didn't pay a living wage. This book is highly recommended if you would like a "different' view regarding christianity and social justice. It is important to remember that religious leaders have been at the forefront of progressive change.