And how about this dream come true from the days of the 4th book?
The Washington Post
July 1, 2000
HEADLINE: Magic Day for Harry Potter Fan; Despite Security for 4th Volume, Fairfax Girl Lands Early Copy
It's out!
And it's sitting on a coffee table in Fairfax.
As if by magic, a copy of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"--the much ballyhooed and eagerly anticipated children's tome that's being kept under lock and key until its official release next weekend--has fallen into the hands of one 8-year-old Laura Cantwell.
Just how a muggle (a non-wizard, in Potter-ese) like Laura got her hands on the most hyped book in publishing history since, well, since the last Harry Potter book, is a mystery young Harry himself might have difficulty unraveling.
Considering that the publisher, Scholastic Inc., has bullied bookstores and libraries nationwide into keeping mum about what's tucked inside the 752-page book until next Saturday, you'd have thought such a leak would be impossible.
In Washington? Hah.
As Laura's dad, Tim, tells it, a friend of the family stumbled onto eight copies of J.K. Rowling's newest book at a Northern Virginia bookstore this week. The friend said she went to the counter--where the clerk didn't even blink--and walked out with two copies.
It was the literary equivalent of walking out of the Smithsonian having just bought the Hope Diamond.
Neither Cantwell nor his friend, who wouldn't give her name yesterday, would identify the store where the books were bought.
Close to 4 million copies of the Potter book, the fourth volume in the best-selling children's series, will go on sale at 12:01 a.m. Saturday. Until then, Laura will have a major leg up on her third-grade friends about the latest adventures at the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Like who dies, for instance. And who Harry's girlfriend at Hogwart's is. And who wins the next fast-paced round of Quidditch, a game Harry and his friends play in the sky while riding broomsticks.
"I've been waiting for, like, three to four months," Laura said yesterday, echoing the desires of young children--and more than a few adults who've become Potter-heads--everywhere.
Laura said it could take her a while to finish the book. She's still on the first chapter, "The Riddle House," and will soon go on to Chapter 2, "The Scar." Down the road, she'll come to "The Triwizard Tournament," "Beauxbarons and Durmstrang" and--paradoxically--Chapter 37, "The Beginning."
Across the country, bookstore managers have been sworn to secrecy by Scholastic, forced to sign long contracts prohibiting them from releasing the book--or any details of the book--before July 8.
Sheila Egan, manager of the Alexandria bookshop A Likely Story, said she has never seen security like this before.
"We signed an affidavit that we will not reveal anything about it. No employee is to have access," she said. "Typically we would have a galley to talk the book up. But it doesn't need talking up. It doesn't need a thing."
Sealed boxes of the book started arriving yesterday at Borders Books in Fairfax City and will stay sealed, the store manager vowed, until just before the release date. "We've pretty much laid down the law," Paul Conroy said. "The copies are under lock and key."
A manager at a Fairfax Barnes & Noble wouldn't discuss the book or give her name. "We're under severe pressure not to talk about it," she said. "We've all been threatened so bad."
Neither Cantwell nor his friend--who was interviewed yesterday by telephone--would reveal her name to The Washington Post. She said she didn't realize what she had stumbled onto and was surprised at all the hoopla after Cantwell contacted the media.
"I just thought I was mistaken about the day it was [being] released," she said. "I just assumed there were some places it was available."
She wouldn't say where she found the book, but Cantwell said it was a chain store in Northern Virginia. The friend said she believes a clerk must have put the books out by accident, and she doesn't want to get anyone fired.
Cantwell said he, too, was unaware of the magnitude of his acquisition. That is, until he showed the book to Laura. "She said, 'Dad, do you realize how huge this is?' " Cantwell recalled. "I said to my wife that night that I could probably sell this book for a lot of money. She said, 'Under no circumstances do you sell that book.' "
Indeed, that could be the most dastardly scenario for Scholastic, which has tried to keep everything about the book under wraps. Even the title was hush-hush until a few days ago, when a London newspaper spilled the beans.
Arthur Levine, a vice president at Scholastic, said yesterday he was not prepared to comment on the book's premature release because he had no way of knowing if the report was legitimate.
"I don't know anything about it," he said. "It's the first I'm hearing it and I don't know if it's true or not."
Cantwell says he has no intention of revealing what adventures await Harry in the newest volume, and thus spoiling the fun for legions of Potter fans worldwide.
Meanwhile, Laura says her friends are a little jealous of her good luck. "They said 'Wow, that's amazing!' I was amazed, too. I didn't think it was possible."