stigma (stig·ma) pl. stigmas, stig´mata [Gr. “mark”] 1. any mental or physical mark or peculiarity which aids in the identification or in the diagnosis of a condition. 2. a mark, spot, or pore on the surface of an organ or organism. 3. follicular s. 4. in botany, the uppermost part of a pistil, which secretes a moist, sticky substance to trap and hold the pollen that reaches it. 5. an eyespot of chromatophore-bearing protozoa, such as certain euglenoids, comprising a dark pigmented mass that functions in light detection by shielding the photoreceptor cells from specific wavelengths. 6. a distinguishing personal trait that is perceived as or actually is physically, socially, or psychologically disadvantageous. 7. in the plural, gill slits around the pharynx in urochordates, through which pass respiratory and feeding currents. 8. in the plural, purpuric or hemorrhagic lesions of the hands and/or feet, which resemble crucifixion wounds.
stigmata (stig·ma·ta) [Gr.] plural of stigma.