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Arab Strap - The First Big Weekend.
Good summers have been pretty rare recently so this unexpected good summer takes me back.
I have to wonder how many people understood what they said?
As long as they enjoyed it.
I meant 'heard' on audiophile equipment, not scanned the squashed mid and very little else through tinny PC speakers.
I meant 'heard' on audiophile equipment, not scanned the squashed mid and very little else through tinny PC speakers.
It goes to the e-book/paperbook comparison really. One is the real thing, the other.......is not.
I meant the tactile experience of reading, which until very recently involved touch and smell [old books smell fantastic]. I see it very much like the vinylLP return. Paper books will come back once everyone is bored of the dinky screen toys.If you have the means you can get really involved in the ins and outs of special speakers and this and that equipment and so on ... most people don't and have to enjoy things as they can. Are they possibly missing out on some tiny nuance ... possibly (I have a sneaky suspicion that the human ear can't really tell the difference much but that's a whole other discussion) but to say that reading an e-reader is not real while a book is - that's just dismissing the words the author wrote in favour of the how you experience reading them. My opinion - if the words are written on a grain of rice or in ten foot letters on the side of a bus (should one have enough buses) they will carry the same meaning, and have the same effect on you as in a book hard or softcover, with pictures or without or on an e-reader or on a computer.
Sparkchaser keeps sending me links to the new Miley Cyrus song. I listened to it once, not sure what the guy sees, but hey!, what do I know?...........not terrible........somewhat tolerable.........torture.