Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", a wonderful piece.
Great stuff! Speaking of Seasons, do you know Glazunov's "The Seasons"? It was composed about 200 years after
Vivaldi's , and in a totally different style, of course, but it has some splendid music. Autumn, in particular, has an
exhilarating, bounding melody that you might well recognize.
Also, it's nice to see some Classical music making an appearance. Almost all of the singers/groups talked about in
this thread are ones that I've never heard of, or at least never heard, so the discussions don't mean much to a
person whose preferences in music are for classical, opera, traditional folk (which is NOT Kumbaya or If I had
a Hammer etc., but something very different. O.K., mini-rant over. But this is rather a sore point with dedicated
folkies), musicals, pre-rock standards, some jazz, ( not all, but a lot. "Free" is w-e-i-r-d ). I did have a smallish
collection of rock records when I was at University,(that should be "in College" on this side of the Atlantic,
shouldn't it?) but it wasn't for actually listening to, let alone taking seriously. It had two purposes, apart from
background music at parties. One, to appear "cool" in front of friends and colleagues,( who of course had the same
idea about their records). Two, optimistically, as an aid for seduction. I have no intention of telling how
successful they were in either of these objectives.
It's nearly 2a.m. and there are two dogs still need to be taken out, so goodnight and happy listening/reading.
P.S. "Nice to see Classical music making an appearance" is not in any way a complaint or criticism of the posts
about contemporary music, (and the videos, some of which I really enjoy). If people who mostly prefer other
genres (e.g. me) are too lazy to get off their butts and post about THEIR current listening, they can't
complain that their tastes aren't represented. Though shouldn't that be "get ON their butts? Have you ever
tried to use a laptop standing up?