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what are you thinking about?

Originally posted by Ashlea
I"m thinking about all the books I have on my "to read" shelf. I need to get cracking.

I do that sometimes. When I pass my bookshelf and look at them as I think what should I read next??
Im actually through with most of the books on my shelf!!

Luckily i can resort to reading my parents extensive collection of books instead!! (Blessings for a mum who's into scifi and fantasy books :) )

Currently im thinking about having to get up at 6 in the morning to go and watch a dog rally on the local heath!! Should be fun, lots of sled dogs whizzing maniacally by looking a tad unstable!! :p

I'm thinking of every possible way to avoid writing my story that is due on Monday. My current maneuver is posting at this forum.
I've read the book but haven't seen the movie. Just from the tv ads I can see there are parts in the movie that weren't in the book. I'd be interested to hear from someone that has done both to hear their comparisons.

I've started the book a couple times, and eventually I'll read all of it. The language is beautiful, very poetic. The story is a bit of a slow starter, but I think it'll pick up.
Originally posted by RaVeN
I've read the book but haven't seen the movie. Just from the tv ads I can see there are parts in the movie that weren't in the book. I'd be interested to hear from someone that has done both to hear their comparisons.


I'm interested as well.

SOOOO.. to those who have read and seen Cold Mountain, do share with me your insights. =)
Originally posted by Ashlea
I've started the book a couple times, and eventually I'll read all of it. The language is beautiful, very poetic. The story is a bit of a slow starter, but I think it'll pick up.

that sounds good!!! I think I have to read that one!!!
I'm thinking about how far I've come, and yet how did it come to this?
I'm thinking sometimes you can be totally right and yet derrive very little comfort at all...and win no prize...
I'm wondering what they'll ask at this internal interview on Thursday.
I'm wondering why I even bothered to apply for a position which is more boring, and pretty much a downgrade in position-just to make me more marketable outside where I work now.
I'm wondering what could have been..... over a year ago now- if I'd perhaps made more of an effort -what could i have done?
I'm wondering WHY?
I'm wondering if 45mm inlet valves can be made to fit into the cylinder head of my BMW to get better flow.
I'm also wondering at what revs I can efficiently obtain 250 Bhp.

I'm wondering when this particular chapter will draw to a close...
I'm thinking you should lose your car and buy a Mini.

I'm also thinking I should stop babbling on about Mini's.

I'm also thinking of my Mini.

Cheers, Martin :D
Martin said:
I'm thinking you should lose your car and buy a Mini.

I'm also thinking I should stop babbling on about Mini's.

I'm also thinking of my Mini.

Cheers, Martin :D

I thought about getting a Mini, but the new ones are too expensive, and the old ones are hard to get here. Plus, everyone here drives huge SUV's, which is daunting when you drive a car the size of a postage stamp.

Plus, I wanted a convertible. And I got one. Yea!