There are some books that, while reading, I can visualize so well that I sometimes find myself wondering later if I have, in fact, seen the movie. A couple examples for me are the Harry Potter series and Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series. I felt like I'd SEEN them when the movies hadn't even been created. 
Anyway, there is one series that I keep finding myself thinking about over and over and wanting it to be a movie. It's the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I think my husband - though he would never read the book - would love the story in movie form, as would a great deal of other people. I think it would be perfect for today and the way technology and science are heading. Sadly, I've heard nothing of it being made into a movie.
I read the books probably 3 years ago and it's funny how much I still think about them and yearn for a movie to be made.
Does anyone else have any books they are wishing would be made into movies?
Anyway, there is one series that I keep finding myself thinking about over and over and wanting it to be a movie. It's the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I think my husband - though he would never read the book - would love the story in movie form, as would a great deal of other people. I think it would be perfect for today and the way technology and science are heading. Sadly, I've heard nothing of it being made into a movie.
Does anyone else have any books they are wishing would be made into movies?