That's Four. You were only allowed three, but since I'm in SUCH a good mood this morning, I'll let you off the hook.
postcards - No, but that's not a bad idea, so send me one.
homemade bookmark - I am NOT crafty, so this will never happen!
atm receipts - No, but I have used my library receipts as well as a napkin if I'm in a bind.
or maybe you tear the book cover - I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
Chewie (like your new nickname? I hope so, cause I'm gettin' lazy! LOL)
Fold the corner of the page - I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
A real bookmark - No, but only because fortgot to remove from a book I returned to the library.
anything you can find. - Sometimes, but only when I've gone and left it in the last book I read and I'm not home to get it.
Litany, one of these days you're going to make a post that I don't have to consult a dictionary to translate. I'm sure I'll be dead by then, but mark my words.
A flattened and dried donkey dinkle. - I believe that would fall under book abuse and as you know by now... I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
Bob Geldof. (Thank GOD for Google) No - but he could keep my place in my bed.
A small aubergine. - No, if I were going for something like that I'd probably pick sliced eggplant (in a baggie of couse so as NOT to abuse my books).
Dang y'all are THICK!
Outside of books, what's the "thing" I'm obsessed with?
That's Four. You were only allowed three, but since I'm in SUCH a good mood this morning, I'll let you off the hook.
postcards - No, but that's not a bad idea, so send me one.
homemade bookmark - I am NOT crafty, so this will never happen!
atm receipts - No, but I have used my library receipts as well as a napkin if I'm in a bind.
or maybe you tear the book cover - I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
Chewie (like your new nickname? I hope so, cause I'm gettin' lazy! LOL)
Fold the corner of the page - I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
A real bookmark - No, but only because fortgot to remove from a book I returned to the library.
anything you can find. - Sometimes, but only when I've gone and left it in the last book I read and I'm not home to get it.
Litany, one of these days you're going to make a post that I don't have to consult a dictionary to translate. I'm sure I'll be dead by then, but mark my words.

A flattened and dried donkey dinkle. - I believe that would fall under book abuse and as you know by now... I do NOT abuse books! Go wash your mouth out with soap!
Bob Geldof. (Thank GOD for Google) No - but he could keep my place in my bed.
A small aubergine. - No, if I were going for something like that I'd probably pick sliced eggplant (in a baggie of couse so as NOT to abuse my books).
Dang y'all are THICK!
Outside of books, what's the "thing" I'm obsessed with?