bobbyburns said:gravity's rainbow doesn't contain a single death scene, and it's still the scariest book I've ever read.
Who wrote Gravity's Rainbow? Why was it so scary? If I may be so bold as to ask?

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bobbyburns said:gravity's rainbow doesn't contain a single death scene, and it's still the scariest book I've ever read.
one of the most disturbing books that i've read isn't fiction at all.
Patricia Cornwell, famed forensic crime novelist, wrote a book about using actual forensic evidence and fact from the Jack the Ripper case and comes up with a completely different killer than anyone really suspected.
the details in the book are nothing worse than any of us haven't seen or heard about in some context or another, but her dissecting of the case and the details of this murderer's life are particularly disturbing.
i had started reading it as my "lunchtime book" (i read pretty much solid for my 45 minute lunch) and had to stop several times because the details stayed with me and i started dreaming about them.
it is a truly horrific description of a person and his grusome habits.
the name of the book is "Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed"