Mr. Burke is that you? I'm sorry if your butt hurt and can't take criticism.
Nope I'm not James Lee Burke , would that I were he. And is that the best you can come up with? Can't you at least be a bit creative if you're going to attempt combat ad hominem?
And in the most basic analysis it rather seems that *you* are the one demonstrating a high degree of " butt hurt" , after all you quite simply can't stand another individual differing in opinion from you and pointing out of certain realities , nor can you take being called on your snide , holier than thou , control freak attitude.
Most of us here learned long ago that the world doesn't revolve around us , evidently your emotional development stopped prior to learning that basic fact.
Here's a towel , now go dry behind your ears and grow up some.
And don't bother with attempting to escalate this , you're not equipped for a flame war and I don't do such things anyway , much less will I engage in a war of wits with an unarmed opponent.
At any rate if you wish to talk books then do so , if you wish to impress me with political correctness run amok then just count me out.