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what's everyone up to today?

Prairie_Girl said:
luckily I work for one of thebigest companies in the country, so she's not a problem. HR however.... not worried about it though. I only have to deal with her for another couple weeks, then I get a new team leader.

Hope you get a better one, and not a worse one!

Prairie_Girl said:
oh god. look at the new girl monopolizing the conversation! I'll shut up now.

you will do no such thing! keep chatting, or how else will you ever stop being the new girl? :D

just be cautious of moto and leckert....that's a tip from me to you. ;)
do you ever have one of those days where you keep missing someone by seconds? you call they have just left, you leave they show up? makes me crazy!
jenn...a tad bored?

well, hopefully the boys will have our little boat (struttin' cock) all fired up and we can take her on the water.

but today proves to be another quiet day...i do have to clean rooms though. oh, will the fun never stop!?
jenngorham said:
just be cautious of moto and leckert....that's a tip from me to you. ;)

Hey Hey Hey!!!!! What the F!!!!!.....moto and leckert are fine, upstanding, proud as peacock, handsome, manly men who are fun to hang around with and even more fun to play with....

....pssst....jennie....the back of the bus is empty right now....wanna play?????
Motokid said:
Hey Hey Hey!!!!! What the F!!!!!.....moto and leckert are fine, upstanding, proud as peacock, handsome, manly men who are fun to hang around with and even more fun to play with....

....pssst....jennie....the back of the bus is empty right now....wanna play?????

Thanks, Moto.

If I were capable of taking offense, I think I would now!

hey, ricky... we could muss up one of those rooms before it gets cleaned!
jenngorham said:
hey girls! they are over here, moto and leckert are over here, whispering, plotting something!!!

jeez..i hope it involves some bondage...spanking....teasing....tickling....

....and maybe some of it will be done to leckert and moto....
leckert said:

Don't you have any more control of your woman than that?

she's not my woman....I'm just happy she has anything to do with me at all....

jennie....I'm yours baby.....no need to plot and scheme.....just pounce whenever you get the urge...or urges..... :D