Well-Known Member
Poppy1 We didn't fare half as badly as New Orleans, but this Parish is very forested, and I would say that in most areas about 75% of the trees were either uprooted, or broken off the top.
Where I am is about 150 ft above sealevel, which is practically a mountain around here, so no flooding in this area. But some of the NorthShore did flood, but not like N.O. That was beyond comprenhension. We have not been down there since the hurricane, and from what friends have told me the pictures don't capture a quarter of the devestation. Plus of course the Smell.
Glad we moved 10 years ago. For Sure. Personally, I slept thru the hurricane. We battened down the hatches, and what else could we do? Sleep was the best.
The eyewall did pass right over us though. /shiver/ Glad I was asleep!
Isabell I'll say this!, the ride can put one right to sleep. One side (the older one) is bumpty, bumpty, bumpty! If you don't have someone else in the car, all ya want to do is sleep. Not a good thing! The water is so changable and beautiful though, shiny and greenish, or plain gray and choppy, fascinating really. You drove down from Schaumburg? I'm glad you got to see everything before the Hurricane. Nothing will be the same again. Just on the South Shore is Metairie, my old stomping grounds.
Isabell I'll say this!, the ride can put one right to sleep. One side (the older one) is bumpty, bumpty, bumpty! If you don't have someone else in the car, all ya want to do is sleep. Not a good thing! The water is so changable and beautiful though, shiny and greenish, or plain gray and choppy, fascinating really. You drove down from Schaumburg? I'm glad you got to see everything before the Hurricane. Nothing will be the same again. Just on the South Shore is Metairie, my old stomping grounds.