Back in 2002, I couldn't decide what I liked to do more - writing or editing books, so I decided to do both. This is how
Adventure Books of Seattle came together.
I convinced Geoff Nelder from Great Britain to jump on board, and then Gayla Prociv, who already owned another business. She now handles mail orders and bookkeeping for AB. Christine Cartwright from Digitell Art sometimes advises on cover art. Our techie guy is Greg Page from Microsoft.
So far, I've written three novels ('Say Goodbye To The Sun', 'The 13th Day of Christmas', and 'The Corona Incident'.) Geoff Nelder and I split duties on 'Dimensions'.
I re-edited 'Robinson Crusoe' into a new edition in 2006, but that was only because Daniel Defoe could have used an editor back in 1719.
AB has a few other titles out there now, all very good I think. After 4 years, we have only published 11 books, so I suppose we're a little picky. Our main goal is quality.
We don't do fantasy, or anything that resembles fantasy. All sci-fi must be 'hard' sci-fi in the realm of stories such as 'Red Planet', 'Gattica', '1984', 'The Core', '2010', etc.
Our office cats 'Ginger' and 'Sophie' were victims of the Menu Pet Food scandal earlier this year. Took us a while to get over that one, but we have a new Official Office Cat now.
I usually write nights and weekends, because during the day Gayla and I run another business not related to writing or books.
There are many books about writing and publishing, but I highly recommend this one:
'The Idiots' Guide To Getting Published' by Jennifer Basye Sander and Sheree Bykovsky. Foreword by crime writer Ann Rule. This book is now in its fifth or sixth edition...and for good reason.