Wilbur Smith's latest novel,
Assegai, will be published in South Africa on 13 March, in Australia and New Zealand on 1 April, in the United Kingdom on 3 April, in the United States and Canada on 12 May, in Norway on 20 May, and in the Netherlands on 30 July 2009. The Italian edition, Il destino del cacciatore, was published on 5 March.
A Courtney novel, Assegai is set in East Africa at the outbreak of World War I, where Leon Courtney, an ex-soldier turned professional hunter, stumbles across a German aristocrat's plot to raise a rebellion against Britain amongst the disenchanted survivors of the Boer War in South Africa ...
Wilbur Smith's UK publishers, Macmillan, have made a limited number of autographed, boxed copies available via their web site. You'll find details of this special edition, more information on Assegai, details of publication dates in many countries, and his promotional tour itinerary on his web site at
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