Active Member
The Book & Reader Forums are a place on the Internet created for the objective discussion of books and other media. It is for readers who are under no obligation to review, discuss, approve or dissaprove a work in any way shape or form. Therefore as a writer you have a great opportunity to find out what people who read books really think about your work.
Whilst this is mainly for amateur writers who want some informal feedback, we also allow published authors to post brief excerpts for review. Posts which simply advertise your book or website are not allowed and will be deleted.
Guidelines for Posting
These are Guidelines and as such they may change over time. Contact us if you have questions. Gentle warnings may follow any breach of these guidelines but repeat offenders run the risk of being banned.
Thank you.
The Book & Reader Team.
Whilst this is mainly for amateur writers who want some informal feedback, we also allow published authors to post brief excerpts for review. Posts which simply advertise your book or website are not allowed and will be deleted.
Guidelines for Posting
- Remember that the Internet is a public place. Anything you post in The Writers' Showcase, or anywhere else on the Book & Reader site, could possibly be viewed and copied by anyone with Internet access, not just members of this site. Book & Reader cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred by the writer because of this or by any misuse of said work once it has been published here. Posting your work here is the equivalent of stapling it to a light pole in London or distributing it on leaflets in New York. There is no implied publishing relationship or implied copyright whatsoever other than what is mentioned in the membership agreement.
- Excerpts are preferred to whole books or stories. Give 'em enough to whet their appetite. If you want people to read more on your website, then say so, but place the link in your signature and profile not in the post itself. People will find it from there.
- Links to your website are OK in your signature only. Links not in your signature will be removed.
- No ordering info or links to cash and carry sites. This is not a bookselling website. That includes new books, used books, POD books, Ebooks, any-type-of-book books. No selling or advertising. Period.
- Formal book reviews may be posted in the Library by anyone who is a member of the site and who has read the book. We do not allow posting of third party reviews. The original reviewer should register and post their review.
These are Guidelines and as such they may change over time. Contact us if you have questions. Gentle warnings may follow any breach of these guidelines but repeat offenders run the risk of being banned.
Thank you.
The Book & Reader Team.