I tried to get rid of my old clutter yesterday at a car-boot sale - for those of you not in the UK, it's a junk sale.
Well, I had loads of books priced at five for a pound. Hardly anyone even glanced at them. But one woman saw a few she wanted, she called her fella over. He took her arm, dragged her away and said in a horrified tone, 'You don't know where they've been!'
Now then folks, perhaps my imagination isn't what it could be, but I can't imagine where my books could have been to have caused such disgust. Can you?
Well, I had loads of books priced at five for a pound. Hardly anyone even glanced at them. But one woman saw a few she wanted, she called her fella over. He took her arm, dragged her away and said in a horrified tone, 'You don't know where they've been!'
Now then folks, perhaps my imagination isn't what it could be, but I can't imagine where my books could have been to have caused such disgust. Can you?