There will always be guns everywhere.
For example, criminals always have ways to obtain anything they need.
Then, people from government services will always have guns.
And both these categories often misuse guns that are in there posession - mostly the criminals, but govt people too, sometimes. Our militia men, according to statistics, use their guns to shoot innocent people many times each year: to solve their private problems, to kill a driver who harmed their car in a traffic accident etc. Last year a militiamen stopped an illegal foreign worker in metro, and when he told the militiaman he doesn't have money to pay the fine, or something, - the militiaman shoot him in the face.
So, not having a gun does not make one immune to guns owned by others.
I am not sure the situation will be better if everybody could apply for legal ownership of a gun and every normal person would be granted this right. But surely not allowing a law-abiding citizen to own a gun means leaving him unarmed in the world packed with other people with guns.
As to people having strange habits... Yes, people have strange habits, it is a fact. And firing guns at something for fun is not the worst of people's habits, if they are not firing at you, of course.