Kookamoor seems to have started something with her Books you are afraid to post about. thread, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and start posting some serious threads myself.
I read The Time Traveller's Wife a couple of days ago, partly because I had seen the title on TBF a few times and partly because my sister kinda made me read it because I wouldn't leave her alone. Quite a few members of TBF seem to have really enjoyed this book, but apparently no one felt like opening a thread on it, so here it goes.
Here are some other members' thoughts on the book:
And the quote I can relate to most myself:
I really liked the whole time travelling idea, but somewhere halfway I think it was, Niffenegger just lost me and I got pretty bored with Henry and Clare. I kept reading cause I wanted to know how it ended, but I had a bit of a "get on with it" attitude during the second half of the book.
I read The Time Traveller's Wife a couple of days ago, partly because I had seen the title on TBF a few times and partly because my sister kinda made me read it because I wouldn't leave her alone. Quite a few members of TBF seem to have really enjoyed this book, but apparently no one felt like opening a thread on it, so here it goes.
Here are some other members' thoughts on the book:
Deeelirious said:That book stayed with me for weeks after. I felt I was on the lookout for the characters to appear in my real life. (source)
Jenem said:i am just about to finish The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger. the name of the book got my attention when i was at the book store- i had never heard of the author or the book. it is fantastic. beautifully written, funny, clever and sad. it's about a man who travels through time and meets his wife when she is a child. what a great book- so glad i bought it!! (source)
jenngorham said:i loved this book!!!! loved it. it had me from page one and i felt so drawn into clare and henry's lives. there were certain scenes in the book, like when henry is describing the accident with his mom, that i read over and over, they were so moving and amazing to try to wrap your mind around. i would love to see the authors time line she worked around to make this story work. (source)
Delta_doh! said:I'm still lovingit, and Will defy be watching out for more by Audrey Niffenegger, but how she will ever beat this I really don't know...... (source)
And the quote I can relate to most myself:
direstraits said:I have mixed feelings about this book... (source)
I really liked the whole time travelling idea, but somewhere halfway I think it was, Niffenegger just lost me and I got pretty bored with Henry and Clare. I kept reading cause I wanted to know how it ended, but I had a bit of a "get on with it" attitude during the second half of the book.