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  • That's a pity. Movies just can't capture the feelings of books. I've very rarely seen a movie that was as good or better than a book. *Sigh*
    The Notebook is legendary. Hehe. Have you thought of reading any other of Sparks' books? You should. :D
    No, I haven't seen the movie of Flowers in the Attic. I've been wanting to though, I might even rent it this weekend. Is it any good?
    And unfortunately no, I haven't read The Notebook either! =C I started it a long time ago but either gave up or got sidetracked. I've still yet to read all Sparks' books.
    What are your favs of his?
    Hello! Thanks for ze add... Hmm, I don't really know what to say next..
    What's your favourite genre of books? There we go. :p
    Check out "The Book of Sand", it's a collection of short stories. I also like "The Book of Imaginary Beings", which is a catalogue of... well, imaginary beings :D
    I never get scared of books... I just take extended breaks.:D:whistling:

    I was going to post a new picture in that member picture thread and that's when I noticed it. Is it ok to make a new one of those threads? :)
    Hi there! Been a while, haha. Just wondering, what happened to all of the old threads in the General forum? :)
    Forgive me. I don't mean to "sound snappish.":flowers:

    I'm deep in thought, and your mention of waste was interesting for the timing.
    Only one year? I've been here for four. Damn. Time really does seem to pass faster as one gets older.
    It's been fun, but I have to put the bike away for today. That four letter word in the forecast again. R-A-I-N!
    Taking the bike out is more important to me than many can understand. There are few things I'd rather do then ride. It's true what they say about it being the most fun a person can have with their cloths on.
    Yes, I'm sure. I should have checked all the lights after I replaced the plastic the tree branch broke. Now I have to take the plastic off again to replace the lights. At least it's not something major.
    I have to be heading out shortly. I need to get the Kawasaki dealer to pick up a couple of light bulbs. Stupid tree branch!
    I don't know when I'll get to it, but I'll let you know what I think of it when I'm done. I simply haven't felt much like reading lately.
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