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  1. Jenna


    And just what are you doing reading all of those other books? Hmmm? I thought you had three fantasy books just waiting on you. Hmmmm??? It was my karma that made you close that window young lady.
  2. Jenna

    What book is this?

    Why don't you do a search through your History? I sometimes do this. I just start with www.a and proceed through to www.z Sometimes it pulls up the page I was looking for.
  3. Jenna

    And then they all died

    But don't you feel cheated somehow when the hero dies? I did when I read Mercedes Lackey books about Vanyel. I didn't finish them once Vanyel died, and I haven't picked up a book of hers since. I felt like I was being jerked around in the sentimental area. It's like killing the dog. Blah
  4. Jenna


    Welcome, welcome from a writer and lover of fantasy!
  5. Jenna

    How was your weekend?

    Gosh, you all lead such exciting lives. I got groceries. Did laundry. Cleaned the bathrooms. Hooboy. I'm excited. Yeah, baby. I need a drink...
  6. Jenna

    Can someone recommend a good epic?

    Oh hey, I just read a stand alone by Frances Evlin. I understand she has a trilogy available in trade paperback through Amber Quill Press www.amberquill.com If the trilogy is anywhere near as good as the stand alone I just got through with, you might want to check out the trilogy. BTW, the stand...
  7. Jenna

    Dumb Warning Labels

    I think I'll sue my kids for giving me grey hair.
  8. Jenna

    Dumb Warning Labels

    Yeah but you know what's really sad and funny? The number of people who sue over not having such silly warnings. Like the man who sued, and won, when he put his RV in Cruise Control, then went back to make himself some coffee. Of course, the RV went off the road and crashed. But he won because...
  9. Jenna

    Author and New Member

    It bothers me when the kids are being taught history about Vietnam, too. That's wayyyyy too recent for me. I can't even watch movies about it.
  10. Jenna

    How was your weekend?

    I wish we had the same sort of train system here in the states as you all do in Europe. I was in Ireland a number of years ago and I loved being able to take the train instead of driving. Course I almost got clipped several times stepping off the curb. Not used to the left turns into the right...
  11. Jenna

    Disturbing trend.

    I forget if it's 7 or 10, but that's how many basic plots there are. Most are good vs evil if you break them down. There is internal struggle and external struggle, sometimes both in the same book. I'll see if I can find the reference to plots. I have it somewhere. It's interesting
  12. Jenna

    Review site.

    Check out WordWeaving, Round table Reviews, Timeless Tales, Sime-Gen, Under the Covers, Sharpwriter, Ivy Quill Reviews, Authors Den, Midwest Book Reviews for a few. I don't know how to insert the url, but you can find these easily enough in a search engine. I have more if you want them. :)
  13. Jenna

    Disturbing trend.

    There are very few authors who actually make a decent living off their writing. And they keep producing because their publishers know they can sell. A lot of times if they want to branch out to something different, they use a pen name. The publishers are the ones who like the trils because they...
  14. Jenna

    Chinese Girl Names

    I didn't think the Chinese named their girls like that. Bad karma or some such. I didn't find any Chinese girls names related to bright, intelligent or smart. Boys names, yes, but not girls.
  15. Jenna

    Disturbing trend.

    I can understand your concern. I particularly dislike books that don't conclude in one volume. I don't mind reading series, but I like each book to stand alone. I don't like cliff hangers where I have to wait for years to find out what happened next. One thing though - sometimes I suppose...
  16. Jenna

    I Need A Volunteer

    Kewlio. Thanks!
  17. Jenna

    I Need A Volunteer

    I need a volunteer to read an original fantasy manuscript. Here's why. It's the fourth book in a series. It's stand alone (I hope) but has some of the same characters as the previous three books. I need to find out what questions a person who knows nothing about the first three books might have...
  18. Jenna

    Spontaneity or fastidious planning..

    I also write by the seat of the pants. I have a general idea about the main crisis, and that's about it. Sometimes I don't even know how the crisis will be resolved. I expect the characters to figure that out - after all, it's their story. What I really love is when a new character pops in, and...
  19. Jenna

    Fiat Lux

    Yeah, I thought you sounded familiar - kilt, bagpipes, all of that. Welcome. :)
  20. Jenna

    Hello - new here

    Hello from me as well!