Hi all 
For some time now, I have been noticing, what i think, is a disturbing trend. Now, I don't know how many of you are going to agree with me on this one. I think it is probably a kinda controversial viewpoint.
OK, I better explain myself, huh????
OK, deep breath, here goes. The fantasy genre sucks. OK, there, I said it! Well, let me clarify and expand upon that statement before somebody tries to ties me to an enraged moose! I LOVE fantasy! But the genre itself has been ruined in my opinion. Why? one word, trilogies.
The fantasy market has been reduced to an endless river of mindless, soulless and derivative trilogies. I mean, its OK to have a trilogy but does EVERY SINGLE DAMN fantasy story HAVE to come in 3 books, or more! That's just crazy.
It's all driven by money. If you can get somebody to buy 3 books over one book then you are going to make one hell of a lot more money! The fantasy market, driven by money has been utterly ruined. There is absolutely no choice in the genre.
The fantasy masterworks series has been a real breath of fresh air though the stale halls of modern fantasy. With this series we have been treated to books that are A) original, B) varied and C) a story contained in only one novel! WHAT? can it be possible! GASP!!!! I don't MIND reading a trilogy. in fact, I have read some great trilogies in my time. But I want CHOICE. I don't want every damn fantasy work to be a trilogy and a carbon copy of the other one.
Told you it was going to be controversial, didn't I?
Now that I have explained myself. I will explain what I see as a disturbing trend: The rise of the SF trilogy. OK, I LOVED the night dawn trilogy. The SF trilogy used to be such a rare thing but now I see it more and more. SF used to be a lot better quality than fantasy. Not because the genre is inherently better but just because it was not so market driven. My fear is that SF is going to go the same way as fantasy and in 5 years time we will only get space opera trilogies. Sure, I love em. I love action and adventure as much as the next person but I want CHOICE. I fear for intelligent ideas driven SF. I fear SF will go the same way as fantasy.
AHEM. wow, huh?
So what do you all think?
Best Regards
For some time now, I have been noticing, what i think, is a disturbing trend. Now, I don't know how many of you are going to agree with me on this one. I think it is probably a kinda controversial viewpoint.
OK, I better explain myself, huh????
OK, deep breath, here goes. The fantasy genre sucks. OK, there, I said it! Well, let me clarify and expand upon that statement before somebody tries to ties me to an enraged moose! I LOVE fantasy! But the genre itself has been ruined in my opinion. Why? one word, trilogies.
The fantasy market has been reduced to an endless river of mindless, soulless and derivative trilogies. I mean, its OK to have a trilogy but does EVERY SINGLE DAMN fantasy story HAVE to come in 3 books, or more! That's just crazy.
It's all driven by money. If you can get somebody to buy 3 books over one book then you are going to make one hell of a lot more money! The fantasy market, driven by money has been utterly ruined. There is absolutely no choice in the genre.
The fantasy masterworks series has been a real breath of fresh air though the stale halls of modern fantasy. With this series we have been treated to books that are A) original, B) varied and C) a story contained in only one novel! WHAT? can it be possible! GASP!!!! I don't MIND reading a trilogy. in fact, I have read some great trilogies in my time. But I want CHOICE. I don't want every damn fantasy work to be a trilogy and a carbon copy of the other one.
Told you it was going to be controversial, didn't I?
Now that I have explained myself. I will explain what I see as a disturbing trend: The rise of the SF trilogy. OK, I LOVED the night dawn trilogy. The SF trilogy used to be such a rare thing but now I see it more and more. SF used to be a lot better quality than fantasy. Not because the genre is inherently better but just because it was not so market driven. My fear is that SF is going to go the same way as fantasy and in 5 years time we will only get space opera trilogies. Sure, I love em. I love action and adventure as much as the next person but I want CHOICE. I fear for intelligent ideas driven SF. I fear SF will go the same way as fantasy.
AHEM. wow, huh?
So what do you all think?
Best Regards