Riiiight, interesting!
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How much saliva does the average person produce in their lifetime?
The average Human produces about 10.000 gallons of saliva in their lifetime.
Ooh, and how many bogies?
I don't know how much you produce, but I
do know how much you swallow (a day), namely a litre. Enjoy your lunch.
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They say Madona is an intelligent woman. I heard she had a book published. What the book is about? Any comment on it?
Mr. Peabody's Apples and
The English Roses.
What is religion? What is the difference between Christian and Catholic?
Religion is any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life. Thus we would consider Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Native American Spirituality, and Neopaganism to be religions. We also include Agnosticism, Atheism, Humanism, Ethical Culture etc. as religions, because they also contain a "belief about deity" -- their belief is that they do not know whether a deity exists, or they have no knowledge of God, or they sincerely believe that God does not exist.
Catholocism is a branch of Christianity. Christianity is the big picture. The idea that Jesus is the only son of God, the trinity and all that good stuff. Roman Catholic is one of the branches of it.
Don't have a clear perception of spirituality and religion. hope you can clarify these two concepts for me.
Religion: See above.
Spirituality:Spirituality is living one's life from the realization that the body/mind/ego personality we have been taught to identify with is just the tip of our iceberg, our little head sticking through the window of the senses into this world, whereas our true body is the universe. It is recognizing that our perceived world is mostly an illusion, a shared dream we are asleep in, and that the goal of life is to awake to our real Self which is vast and multidimensional--already intimately connected with all of creation, with a twin shadow self that is already scripted, mostly primitive, and hidden from us, but that this whole Self is already One with this mystery we call God/dess whose essence can hardly be understood, but to which we give names as Eternal Wisdom, Ultimate Reality, Birther of all Life, S/he Who Is, etc
Make of it what you want.
Is it true that everyday, about six kinds of animals become extinct on the earth?
No, that's not true. According to various estimates by scientists, every day 35- 150 species of life become extinct. Most of these vanishing species are
(or were) inhabitants of tropical rain forests. A majority of them are insects or plants, and most remain undiscovered by humans at the time of their extinction.
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Why do I find it so hard to quit smoking?
A persistent presence of nicotine means that tolerance to its effects develops quickly, thus more is needed to get an effect. Most people become dependent and suffer withdrawal symptoms (restlessness, anxiety) if they attempt to stop. Very few people find they can just have the occasional cigarette. They tend to either smoke a number a day or not smoke at all.
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Will you go out with me?
Yes, what time can I pick you up tomorrow?
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So why did J D Salinger stop writing?
He didn't. Ever read Thomas Pynchon?
Did the americans really go to the moon?
Yes, they did.
Which life form will dominate the earth after chickens?
I will.
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I think Martin's girlfriend might have something to say about that!
No, she won't, I've locked her in the basement again.
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Cheers, Martin