Well ya'all signed your miranda rights away when ya'all allowed them to pass the Patriot Act through

Read it - it's a scary document. (
PATRIOT ACT PDF), but this is me climbing on my soap box. Any erosion of one's right to privacy, to what you like so long as it ain't illegal and don't bother no-one, bothers me especially when its dressed up in its Sunday clothes of 'for your own good'.
Quit apologising , in point of fact I'll put some damn bricks under the box and hold the ladder if you want to climb higher on that soapbox , 'cause it needed to be stated.
And on to a few realities , which may offend some folks , not that I'll much care as regards that issue.
Firstly any individual who takes anything they read/hear/see within the mainstream media ( and yes that includes FOX) at face value without renering some cognisant thought to it............well how many times y'all gonna get burned prior to learning?
Secondly , the undercurrent hysteria as regards " Islamists".........what if it had turned out to be White rightwing Dominionist Christians? AIM members? ELF/ALF? Black Panther Party?ActUp? Birchers?
How many hundreds of millions of PEACEFUL non fanatical ' Islamics' are there the world round?
And on to the paramilitary style response , or what folks THINK was such , do I need to point out the dramatic errors in squad level tactics and basic principles of movement of the " responding authorities"?
Now they're calling ( they being the FartBarfandItch and other agencies) these two clowns " sophisticated"...............REALLY? The reality of the fact that these were kindergarten level improvised explosives seems to escape some of these folks , for verification one need only take a basic gander at what's been utilised not only in Chechnya and many other locales the world round.
Does *anyone* here seriously doubt the fact that it could have been much , much MUCH worse? Had these clowns been ' serious and sophisticated' then the explosives would have been 'serious and sophisticated'.
And on to the conspiracy theorists already running their collective yaps . " there were bomb sniffing dogs present".............waddaya prescient or something? You can tell a " bomb sniffing" dog from an ordinary crowd control canine by viewing it across the 'net or on the MSM can ya? How does that work exactly?
" Oh boss De Guy On De ROOOOOOFFFF"..............uh HUH , note the patio furniture in the background , note the door forward and to his left , note the smoke rolling up over the rooftop from the first bomb and the explosion directly in fron of the specific building.......
If YOU were on the roof watching the marathon and all this occured wouldn't YOU get the heck up and go see what was going on?
And locking down a WHOLE major urban area? People huddling in their houses like bleating, shaking sheep?
If this is how we react then we're in a damn sight of trouble if real , actual organised terrorism shows up in this country.
And lastly , and this one just about makes me grind a molar FLAT..........WHAT about the VICTIMS , the MSM , the Politicos running their collective yaps and assorted others should be completely and totally ASHAMED of making yet more political and media hay on the backs of the victims.