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Nuts. This is sitting on my Kindle unread. I promise I will start it after I finish my current book.
I love this book. There are not enough swear words to properly convey how much I love it. It blows my mind like a thai hoo... look I really like the book.
I finally finished this book yesterday.
It was mind-blowing.
He does a pretty damn good job of dumbing down superstring theory for the somewhat educated unwashed masses but it's still a moderately difficult read.
I just hope he's right otherwise I just spent several tens of hours learning something that's wrong.
I give itfor blowing my mind with the theory's elegance.
I suppose you've seen the early reports of seeing traces of a possible Higgs boson. I trust its eventual discovery will not dismantle your knowedge? Physics, after all, is the great realm for: theories come, theories go, but experiment lives forever.
Discovery of the Higgs Boson doesn't negate Superstring Theory.
Sorry, didn't think I suggested it would.
I trust its eventual discovery will not dismantle your knowedge?
I suppose you've seen the early reports of seeing traces of a possible Higgs boson. I trust its eventual discovery will not dismantle your knowedge? Physics, after all, is the great realm for: theories come, theories go, but experiment lives forever.
Anyway, Elegant Universe is indeed elegant in itself. But there are still some parts of our elegant universe that strike me as quite miraculous. (Blog post to follow).