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Wabbit said:I have Interview with a Vampire in my TBR pile. At the moment I am reading two books at once ( a first ). I am reading Dracula before bed. I am finding it a bit dull. I might switch to the Anne Rice book![]()
Fistandantilus said:I have finished War Of The Worlds and I am now on page 299 of Raymond E. Feist's "Talon Of The Silver Hawk" and I love it. I am also reading "Time Machine" on my PDA
Jay said:Fer the love of gawd just read:
_I am Legend_ (1954) by Richard Matheson
Burn your Ann Rice, you’ll feel better. And it’ll keep you warm.
Umbrella said:I read Bram Stoker's Dracula a couple of years ago, it was okay in the first third of the book because it seemed as though it would get really exciting. But it never did. I will not burn any Anne Rice (person nor book), Jay, but I will perhaps check out this I Am Legend book you are speaking of. If I remember it, which is not very likely, though.
Umbrella said:I read Bram Stoker's Dracula a couple of years ago, it was okay in the first third of the book because it seemed as though it would get really exciting. But it never did.
I will not burn any Anne Rice (person nor book)
Jay, but I will perhaps check out this I Am Legend book you are speaking of. If I remember it, which is not very likely, though.
In an early stage the human embryo has gill arches and a tail.A_Pensive _Mind said:I've just started Brave New World by Auldous Huxley. It's really good but there's something nagging me at the back of my mind. Towards the end of chapter 1 the DHC mentions the foetuses still having gills and later goes on about their tails. Are they crossbreeding fish with humans or is there something i don't know about unborn children? I don't think it's important but if someone could clarify it for me i'd be really grateful.
cabrasopa said:By The Light Of The Moon by Dean Koontz
Long time since i read a Dean Koontz book