You think you're the only member on this message board who has something to say? Talk about a severe case of narcissism. This from someone who's avatar picture reminds me of Rod Stewart's bad hair days throughout the 1980's.
I originally came to this website like I enter all websites, to post my writing, I ask everyone,
( notice I say everyone, not just you and a few screwballs )
to simply read, evaluate and perhaps comment.
Believe it or not, ( in your case - not ) I know the difference when
someone is making snide remarks, compared to honest critique of my
work. As I said, there are other sites which give me the ability to make
that characterization.
I am satisfied in only one way, when I read the numerical column of how many times a particular post is read. There need not be actual replies but often times there are and I read them. If I can know my material is read, mission accomplished. If someone like you reads it completely, if someone like you decides to respond, or respond asking questions wanting to know more, all of that is icing on the cake.
One last time I'll say this, you and others don't have to read what I write.
I don't read other posts on this message board, and don't really care to.
However, I can change my mind on a whim, if something catches my eye,
I may do so.
- The whole point of my writing, content and style. Catch the eye.
What makes my 2+2=4 writing content and style any different than
anyone else's 2+2=4 writing content and style?
The answer is in what you see, something new, something different, something unorthodox, it grabs you, and it makes you want to know
more and engage with me.