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Eye Of The Eye

Good. I remember telling someone else not too long ago
that irritation builds character. My friend, I have more than
you could ever imagine, so keep your little attitude where it
belongs, in your pocket beacuse it isn't needed here.

( Not yet at least. )

Aahh, my little attitude. I'm sorry, and I'll keep it in my wittle pocket (though I doubt it would fit), but have I done exactly what you've been attempting for the last 4 pages? Have I angered you? All with just a little work. And you have soooo much irritation, because the whole world is out to get you, right? Or has God just played another trick on you? You're right; your life is horrible and I'm in no place to complain. However...

You think that your whiny better-than-anyone-else-thought-process makes me mad; no it doesn't. All it does is show how much of a condescending creep you can be.

Irritated my ass; more like laughing on the inside just like your imaginary hyenas...:D :p
I am reminded of the famous pre-school story titled :

'The Little Engine That Could'

I am reminded because it's an example of a positive effort where if you try hard enough, you can make something happen. On the other hand, if you try too hard at doing something like explaination, or debunking, you look like a complete fool.

I trust we can all be good STEWART(ds) of good advice.
Nice try at a clever pun. If I were you, I'd be nice to Stewart. I'm pretty sure he has the power to kick you off, or can you not read the words "senior moderator" beneath his name?

And I must say that Stewart is right. Not every person who--accidentally or intentionally--clicks into one of your poems is a fan. Not that someone referring to pre-school literature could possibly hope to understand that.
I can only wonder why the last message was edited.

For those who point out the obvious, let me just remind them
of something. The internet is a far and wide long and vast plane
of information. That being the equivalent to a platform for ideas.

Should I no longer be a member of this PARTICULAR forum,
there are plenty of others I frequent as well, and as mentioned
before, not all of them are populated by weak-minded satchels
of disposition.

Thank you and do try to have a nice day.
Neverending Propositions

I think we both know who is really the one upset, when one of us keeps trying to convey the unconveyable. There are two schools of thought at play here. One is my ideology others come to understand as a distortion.
I think everyone here is inherently an idiot whilst I am of a superior intellect. Only to a degree I think that, but so does most people, however few - like me - that actually make it a public statement.

The opposing point of view are the many who for their own reason feel the need to verbally spar with me by saying my ideology is not so, and in their own way discourage ( to no avail ) any further dissemination of said toxicity.

Have I made all things clear at this point?

With freedom of speech comes language, ideology and perspectives others may not want to hear, or have a hard time absorbing. I believe in this forum it is the latter of the two.

In time, there will become a gradual acceptance that, yes, I am who I may be, certainly allowed a differing opinion, that to which no one ( including YOU ) can take away. Although he ( me ) does not paint pretty pictures of daisies, flowers, rose pedals of happiness, joy and camaraderie, he is different. To that we thank him for the variety he has given us to sample.
The opposing point of view are the many who for their own reason feel the need to verbally spar with me by saying my ideology is not so, and in their own way discourage ( to no avail ) any further dissemination of said toxicity.

What's for Christmas dinner round the manuscriptx household? Roget's again?
I think everyone here is inherently an idiot whilst I am of a superior intellect.
It's a topsy turvy old world, eh?
Manuscriptx, stop reading at the first period, so you won't have to acknowledge that someone OTHER THAN YOU might know what he's doing when critiqueing. Professor Danel Olson of North Harris College in Houston Texas has requested to use one of my stories, that he saw in a 2004 anthology, in a textbook for teaching Gothic and Horror Literature. Oh, God, I am such a fraud, as anyone who is not a fan of your so-called writing must obviously be.
Something Special

There are four types of authors, sucessful, accomplished, unknown and frauds. Steven King, Sydney Sheldon, Joan Collins, and Dominick Dunne are all authors of the FIRST degree.

Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Shelby Steele, and various editorial newspaper writer/authors make up a SECOND degree.

I've always labeled myself as an unknown, so where are you?
Known to at least ONE Houston Texan Professor.

Real accomplishment there Johnnie Boy, soon your style of writing wil dominate the world.
It's a good thing you don't have a job; it would probably interfere with your narcissism.

Your poor writing is matched only by your lack of debating skills. My style of writing, clear, concise and meaningful, already DOES dominate the world. Your writing wouldn't get you out of third grade.

Add that one professor to all the awards I've won and the money I've made and we can all see that the true fraud is you. I'll bet they picked on you in school, didn't they, Eddyboy? Or is it Tommyboy today?
What's for Christmas dinner round the manuscriptx household? Roget's again?

It's a topsy turvy old world, eh?
XD. Beautiful.

Last time I checked, manuscriptx, you were unemployed, not an expert on the publishing industry. So I don't know what gives you the idea that you can declare yourself better than John, who is actually published, when you can't even get yourself a job flipping burgers at McDonald's.

Actually, never mind why you can't flip burgers at McDonald's. I can easily see you screaming at your manager that you cook burgers better than anyone else in the restaurant and that you should therefore own the company. :rolleyes:

That being said, if I were a professor, I admit I would bring in examples of some of your writing...as examples of how not to use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is not a weapon with which to overcompensate for other problems in the language of your writing.
The Law of the Jungle

Once upon a time there was an itty-bitty mouse who, despite his mommy's warnings, ate too much cheese. He had a tummy-ache all night and, in the morning, defecated a huge pile of mousy pellets. When he had finished, he looked at the heap. "My goodnesses," he thought, "those turds look just kind of like bricks." And then he had an idea. It was only a little idea but, then again, he was only a little rodent.

He gathered up a few of the turds and ran to the top of a cliff. Many animals grazed on the plain below. "Look," he shouted. "Has pwoduced these fine bwicks fwom my own wittle ass."

Many of the animals laughed, for the mouse had poor diction and did not speak in coherent sentences. They ignored him. But a few kindly animals approached the cliff and looked at the rodent droppings. "So why did you bring these turds and show them to us?" asked a majestic gazelle.

The little mouse puffed his fur out and tried to look important. "Going to will constwuct a domicile with them," he said. "Who would wike to puwchase the wesidence I is pweparing anticipate to fabwicate?"

A giraffe stretched his neck and looked at the pellets. "Have you ever built anything before?"!

"No," declared the mouse, "but become will be da best house ever!"

A hyena asked. "Why would anyone want to buy a house from a rodent who's never built one before? Besides, those turds do not look like they would make a very nice house."

"Yes," agreed a lion. "And they don't smell very good, either."

The mouse stood tall and called upon his debating prowess. "My shit does no stink," he said firmly. "It comed fwom my vewy own body, and I am cewtain that I is the smawtest and most handsomest mouse what ever once existed."

"I have built a house of twigs and leaves," said a chimpanzee. "And have experience in these matters. Your house of shit will dissolve in the first rain."

The mouse jumped up and down in anger. "Will not. Will not. Will not," he cried. "You awe a stupid ape and pwobabwy you is pwevawicating about what you accompwished. I am the intelligentest mouse I know, and my shit is the bestest."

"Perhaps you are right," said the hyena. "Bring those turds down here, so that I might have a closer look."

"At last," thought the rodent. "Someone who smart enough to realize my genius, though, of course, not nearly as smart as I is." He scurried down the cliff and stood before the hyena, holding out a turd in his hand. "Would you wike to puwchase dis shit?"

The hyena swiftly swooped down and snatched up the mouse in his jaws. Then he raised his head, swallowed, and looked around at the other animals.

"Tastes like shit," he said. And then he laughed.
World Domination

The only thing you seem to dominate is the world of idiocy.
Extreme mental retardation of the brain, as it were.

How much is each book worth in Texas, two steaks and a pot roast?
I really don't want to get involved in this slanging match, but feel it has reached the point of bullying. manuscriptx has the right to a voice, just like everyone else. Why don't you just ignore his writing if you don't like it?
I actually think it's making more sense the more he writes.
Actually, I agree with you, in one sense, Poppy. His postings sometimes make a bit of sense and I empathise with some of his evocative, rambling musings. I actually was considering complimenting him on a couple of things, even though they needed a rewrite or 80. Yet I urge you to read all of his threads, because he insulted several people who have done nothing to him except say they can't understand a particular posting and he put them down, saying they're too dumb to recognize his brilliance. And when has he ever bothered to offer his opinion on other's postings? Not to mention that he calls people fools, frauds, and liars just because they offer legitimate, constructive criticism and he doesn't have the sense to realize that NOBODY composes a masterpiece every time they write. I don't think he deserves a damn bit of consideration, since he gives no consideration to others. And I'll never read what he replies to my postings, from now on, since I have him on "ignore" because I cannot endure the utterances of such a fool, even though his postings afford a modicum of amusement.

John, I have read most of the posts he's made and agree he has been rude and insulting, but it usually seems to be in response to someone else being less than kind to him. I'd say he has issues and cornering some-one, then all going in for the attack, is not going to achieve anything positive.
I strongly disagree. The first persons responding to his initial posts only said that his writing was difficult to understand. Anyone who posts on a writer's forum must expect SOME criticism. His attacks are not only baseless, they are outside reality. My work has been posted here and on many other sites and I respond to cricticism with reason and hope for improving my craft. Google this guy and see where he says that all of those who screen employees are idiots because they don't hire him immediately since he understands COMPLEX computer programs, such as MS Doc. This person called me a liar and a fraud when I stated that I have a few accomplishments in the literary field and that I wasn't a complete ingenue, as he had insinuated his other critics might be

Yes, we are responding to baseless innuendo with satire and parody. Does that make us cruel? I hate to admit that this is probably the case, as this person is basically defenseless in a battle of wits, and I will desist. Until the next time he attacks some young, hopeful writer with vicious, malicious, character assassination. After all, he doesn't have to keep posting here, now does he?

But he is on my ignore list now, and will remain so.
I'm considering following suit, and I think everyone else involved will as well. Perhaps if no one is responding to his posts he will get a grip on reality and realize our interest lies mostly in the humor of the situation.

By the time anyone reads this, I imagine manuscriptx will be on my ignore list as well. He's very unbalanced, and although my identity is secure, maybe I shouldn't help make him angry at the group of us, which includes people who are more open about their identities.
I would like to say, even though I may just be throwing more kindling to the flame (that's not the saying, not even the right spelling I don't think...no, don't think it is; crud), that this forum, it's characters, and everything that played out, was one of the best short stories I have read in the last year. Someone needs to make this a novel. But the title name?