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Gay marriage

So, does this involve some type of legal ceremony? If not, I think you'll probably find that the couple is not afforded the same rights.
You are wrong, regarding ‘civil partnerships’ in the UK. You can always Google it if you need to substantiate it. As I have said previously, a gay couple has more rights than an un-married couple living together.
I know a number of gay families with happy healthy children who have been taught to be accepting of others. I also know of a number of families where the fathers beat the mothers in front of their children as well.
Giving examples of ‘a number of gay families with happy healthy children’ and then going on to say ‘fathers beat the mothers’ is of no relevance at all. Just as there are good fathers and mothers I guess there are also plenty of gay couples who fight and beat each other in front of the children.
Arguing that "de-valuing" marriage will lead to a breakdown in society isn't a valid argument either, it is also an opinion. Back it up with some facts. I think everyone here is trying to get you to do so, but you just repeat the same rhetoric without adding any factual information. I'd really like to hear more from the other side of the fence, but just hearing the same opinion repeated over and over isn't interesting.
If it is an opinion, which it is, then I do not have to back it up with any evidence. If it is to be an argument which you seem to want to turn it into, then there is no evidence I can provide since we can only imagine what society would be like without the family unit. Maybe we would all live in communes and share the children.

As for adoption. Yes there will always be a need for it. But in today’s society the children are almost being treated as a commodity with people wanting the right to adopt. Society should ask its self why there are so many babies and children up for adoption and start to reduce the numbers by tackling the cause and then there would not be such a need for adoption.
You are wrong, regarding ‘civil partnerships’ in the UK.
Ah, understood. I don't know much about "civil partnerships" in the UK. You didn't indicate where you were located, and "CP" is a term used in many places in the US to "throw a bone" to gay couples. It isn't a legal status, but allows for mutual health insurance, dental insurance, etc in a few states.
Giving examples of ‘a number of gay families with happy healthy children’ and then going on to say ‘fathers beat the mothers’ is of no relevance at all. Just as there are good fathers and mothers I guess there are also plenty of gay couples who fight and beat each other in front of the children.
You're right. There may well be. The point that I have tried to make is that one man and one woman is not the only way to raise children. What I was trying to say was that a healthy and happy gay family is in my opinion preferable to a straight and abusive family. I wasn't stating that it is either or, simply that straight doesn't mean perfect.

If it is to be an argument which you seem to want to turn it into...
Not at all. The entire point of this forum is to discuss and debate the topics introduced here. I'm very interested in what you have to say (as you seem to be the only person presenting your side of the discussion), but you don't back up any of your opinions with factual evidence, which is disappointing.
but you don't back up any of your opinions with factual evidence, which is disappointing.

Mind is only an opinion. I do not know what the world would be like without family life. But my feeling is that it would be a lot worse than it is now.

A stable family life is based around marriage. In order to preserve this, governments offer tax incentives etc etc to married couples. Only in my country the Blair government seem to have forgotten all about family values. Yes gay couples have the same rights as married couples, but that in part has been brought about by lessening the values put on marriage and doing away with incentives that married couples had.

I could go on but it would start to sound boring....................
As long as conservative right wing politicians are at the helm, equality for gays will never be a reality. By the way, I'm a moderate.
A stable family life is based around marriage.

So the only way a family can be stable is if there is a married couple at the head of it? I completely disagree. My parents divorced when I was young and my life become a lot more stable than it had been. My brother and I grew up without a father and we have probably turned out more well-rounded and accepting than many of our peers. Even when my mother remarried a few years ago it didn't really change anything.

And you mention giving rewards to married couples. Could this not just encourage false marriages for money and thus create a negative environment for a child to grow up in?
So the only way a family can be stable is if there is a married couple at the head of it? I completely disagree. My parents divorced when I was young and my life become a lot more stable than it had been. My brother and I grew up without a father and we have probably turned out more well-rounded and accepting than many of our peers. Even when my mother remarried a few years ago it didn't really change anything.

You are missing the point. :)
Your parents married and at the time I would assume, hoped to make a go of it, but for some reason it did not work out. The marriage would have protected your mother legally so she would been entitled to half of every thing.

If we do away with marriage, what happens then, where is the commitment a couple should have before having children together. A commitment that they both bring up the children at least financially together. There are to many unmarried mothers who don't even know where the father is; so the tax payer pays for their children’s upkeep.

What would have instead of marriage............that would protect the children and spouse.
And you mention giving rewards to married couples. Could this not just encourage false marriages for money and thus create a negative environment for a child to grow up in?

No, this worked well in the uk for many years before the present government and the pc brigade got involved.
But surely nobody is arguing doing AWAY with marriage? Quite the opposite, in fact. Did we do away with democracy when we gave women the right to vote? Did we do away with freedom when we outlawed slavery? Who are all these people who are supposedly so insecure about their marriages that they would be less likely to stay together if gay people were allowed to marry, too?
So, what's up with the Californian gay-marriage laws? Is it still legal there or have they changed it back? I think it's strange that the majority of a populations (ie. straight people) get to decide about what rights a minority (the gay people) should or shouldn't have.
I like the fact that it is legal over here. :)
You will always find something in the Bible that will support your own point of view.........even if you have to put a different interpretation on it.
You will always find something in the Bible that will support your own point of view.........even if you have to put a different interpretation on it.

True. Which is just one of the reasons enlightened nations don't make laws based on what it says in the Bible.

Polly: from what I understand, they're not allowing any more same-sex marriages at the moment, but those who managed to get married before the referendum will get to stay married. At least that's something, I guess.
So, what's up with the Californian gay-marriage laws? Is it still legal there or have they changed it back? I think it's strange that the majority of a populations (ie. straight people) get to decide about what rights a minority (the gay people) should or shouldn't have.
I like the fact that it is legal over here. :)

They changed it back.