Lol. xD
Anne Frank's diary was not meant for the public, but the fact that she can write all of that at such a young age, and think that despite what she was going through-- this is what makes it so beautiful. Imagine what she could have done, written had she not been murdered in the Holocaust? Yet here she is, declaring that "it will all come right, and a springtime of peace will start," still believing that people are still good and there is still hope, despite what she faced??
I cried my eyes out at this book. I'm also Jewish, maybe that had something to do with it, but whatever it was, this book really hit home.
And 'Lolita' is a love story.. someone in another thread described it as a multiple orgasm of language. Its so beautifully writen, and crafted so that you as a reader are forced to feel certain things about it.
Simply put, its about a pedophile who falls for a young girl named Lolita. You hate the main charachter with a passion, because he's a terrible person. But at the same time you see how confused he is with himself and that he really loved her, or at least believed he did-- you have to pity him, or at least feel some compassion, particularly at the end. The begining of the book says it all, "light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul," and the adoring, reverent way he is describing her name! The most gorgeous book in the world, in my humble opinion.
There is a thread on it somewhere.. but I don't feel like looking for it. xD Try the Fiction board.