Geenh said:
As far as how many books read... sheesh. Thousands and thousands! I have over 1000 books in my personal library.
There aren't many Australians on here are there?
I've noticed that too, and I found it kind of odd. I must say I usually read your posts, Geenh. Some kind of nationalistic favouritism or something! Plus you've usually got something good to say

And I might as well fill out the survey (which seems to have changed and evolved a little over this thread)... I also added a 'Genres I don't like' category, because I pretty much read everything else:
Location : Am Australian, but living in Canada temporarily.
Age/Gender : Mid-twenties and Female.
Hobbies : Music, movies, hanging out with friends, kung fu, aspiring to get to the gym (figured I'd be honest), learning french, photography and, of course, reading. If I could get my hands on a hockey stick (field hockey, not ice) I'd be a complete and contented camper.
Books I like : A wide range. Contemporary fiction, short stories, fantasy, detective/mystery novels (although not when I'm alone at night - brr!), and I'm starting to read a lot more classics - Dickens, Jane Austin, etc. Which is weird for me!
Genres I don't like: I hate horror because it makes me uncomfortable, and I'm not a big fan of romance novels. Romance has a place in some stories, but not to the extent that I'm willing to compromise good quality writing and a decent plot.
A book that has touched me inside : Robert James Waller's 'Old Songs in a New Cafe' collection of short stories. It made me think about what's really important in life. His story 'Roadcat' made me cry like a baby. And I *never* cry when I read books, usually.
A book that I dislike with passion : Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence. Uurgh! And it wasn't just because I *had* to read it for a literature class. No redeemable qualities to any of the characters, which meant I didn't give a damn about them.
Number of books I have read : How long is a ball of string?
The extra fields:
Person who has influenced me a lot when it come to reading books : My mum, a librarian and a voracious reader... but not of fiction, which is my passion.
One book that I want to read, but just cant : There is a book that I want to read, but I can't because I know some of the contributers and we're no longer on good terms. The falling out has nothing to do with the book or the writing of the book, although it was written while we were embroiled in a crappy crappy end to a really great friendship. Their names are in the forward and for this reason I simply can't pick up the book, as I just get angry. I fear I will judge the book based on these people rather than the quality of the book and the talent of the principle writer. Big skeleton in the closet, huh?
One thing I hate about myself when it comes to books : There's nothing I hate about myself. Contrary to the last comment (which seems very dark, now that I read back over it), I'm a happy shiny person