It should be fine that you speak English. But if there is something you want me to look up for you etc., then just let me know.Sergo said:Thanks!
Thanks again - though I hope that my English would help me in buying or delivering. If I wanted to sell something in Denmark - I would surely need Danish... But so far I can sell only my services, and I do not expect that's needed in Denmark.
What kind of goods do the company deliver to Russia?Sergo said:I visited a warehouse we use to import goods to Russia. And my job is to deliver goods all over the world. (Mostly from USA and China to Russia, I must confess).
And my wife visited Stockman - it has been the first foreign shop in Russia that she frequented many years ago...
I dont know Stockman, dont know what kind of shop it is? sounds nice though, that you get to take your wife with you on your business trips.
Smiling, you are like me, in the 40ties. So did you do meditations or what do you mean by soul strength?Sergo said:Yep, I have meant not body strength, but rather soul strength.
I am quite young: next January I will turn 45.
I dont have a dvd player. I see dvd films on my computer or I use my sons playstation machine. Over here we are region 2 and also PAL.Sergo said:Wow! So I got everything wrong. I just got instructions from my brother, but I told him that you bought a DVD unit for your computer. If that has been the case - acc. to my wise younger brother - all you had to do were to find a software named "Region Free" and install it to your PC. He also advised to use Power DVD*6 software to watch DVDs.
But as you seem to have bought a DVD player... First of all, our TV system is SECAM, as in France and some other countries. But most of our DVDs and tapes are PAL. So, if your DVD player isn't a multisystem one - I doubt it very much it will be possible to watch PAL disc on NTSC player...
The yoga dvd I bought is named NTSC. I have now noticed that after I wrote an email to the American company (, then they have placed "All regions NTSC" underneath the film "The Idiot" . So I am guessing that this film should be like the yoga dvd I got. Maybe its a new thing companies are doing, selling their products NTSC All regions.(?). I am placing the dvd film "The Idiot" on my x-mas wish list.

Sergo said:Thanks Flower, but it is definitely not time for more news now, I fear. I still have to calculate what to charge several of my customers, and do it NOW, so they could bring me cash tomorrow. I just "smuggled" (please do not believe me) several truckloads to Russia...
So you are online at your work?
Hope its great goods that was on those trucks!

I am not able to stay online for long at work, so I have to wait untill I get home. Since I started work I have found that there is so little time to do anything I enjoy. I have managed to finished Dostojevsky´s first novel "Poor people". I have been to the library and borrowed a stack of his books. Do you find much time to read with your busy schedule?