Really? Does this happen only in English speaking countries or any country where the main language isn't Spanish (or Portuguese)? I know in France (at least at the FNAC) García Márquez is under G and Vargas Llosa under V.Stewart said:In the Borders and Waterstones of Glasgow Márquez is filed under 'M'.
Back to the pronunciation of D..., what's the standard spelling of the name in English? I googled it to see what it was in Spanish and I got "Dostoievsky" and "Dostoyevsky". I know the question was originally asked by someone who was wondering about the pronunciation of foreign names in his native language, but things tend to get even more complicated when you have to pronounce foreign names in a foreign language as you never know (at least I don't) if you should pronounce it the way you would in your native language or rather try to pronounce it how (you think) a native speaker of the language you are speaking would or if you should in fact use some approximation to the native pronunciation (if you happen to know what that is). Ok, I'll stop writing now, I just made myself dizzy.