High Plains Invaders (2009)

James Marsters fights aliens in the old West... sounds fun, no? Unfortunately that's how far their ideas went, and the rest is just a clinically humour-free rip-off of
Tremors. Yawn.
Tokyo Gore Police (2008 )

WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH JAPANESE PEOPLE WHAT... OK, I suppose on some level they're trying to make some sort of updated
Videodrome. But... where
Machine Girl was just as gory in terms of body parts and high-pressure blood,
TGK has a calm, clinical let's-gross-the-viewer-out attitude that just rubs me the wrong way.
The Station Agent (2003)

Just a warm, human film about three outsiders that sounds like a Tom Waits song - a dwarf living in an old abandoned train station befriends a Cuban hot dog vendor and a divorced artist - but somehow remains low-key and natural enough to be just a pure delight from beginning to end.
Involuntary (2008 )

Very bleak and uneasy comedy about group pressure, social norms and the trappings of things you don't say out loud. Odd structure - half a dozen separate storylines with no ordinary narrative, it mostly looks like a series of unconnected documentaries of everyday life that gradually find common thematic elements and get more intense. Painfully spot-on, with no easy catharsis to let you put it behind you.
Splinter (2008 )

Derivative but surprisingly adequate low-budget (no CGI!) horror movie. Imagine
The Thing set in a petrol station, with almost none of the "who's a monster" paranoia but instead a sense of tension that doesn't quite let up, a genuinely disgusting monster (insect hairs... ew) and a few laughs along the way. Nothing special, really, but at 78 minutes it never really has time to go off the rails either.