I bought these while visiting America recently. Most are used books bought from "12th Street Books" and "The Strand" in NYC, though I also bought a few unused books at a B&N in Washington DC. All of these are, naturally, in English.
Mostly hardcovers = Heeeavy suitcase!
Gunter Grass - The Danzig Trilogy omnibus (The Tin Drum, Cat And Mouse & Dog Years)
Gunter Grass - Local Anasthaesia (I'm quite aware that new Grass translations are coming soon, but what the hell. Only novel of his I've ever read was a Norwegian translation of The Tin Drum, so I'm excited about digging more into his work)
Italo Calvino - Numbers in the Dark (short story collection - time to hit the English translations, as I've exhausted the fairly small volume that's been translated to Norwegian)
Vladimir Nabokov - 3-volume collections of novels & memoirs from 1941 through 1974, ie "The real life of Sebastian Knight" through "Look at the Harlequins!") minus the volum
Umberto Eco - The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
Gore Vidal - United States: Essays 1952-1992
Isaac Babel - Collected Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Complete Novels and Selectes Tales of...
Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything (had 20 Euro to spend at the Amsterdam airport)
Rabelais - Omnibus of all five Pantagruel etc books
Murasaki Shikibu - The Tale Of Genji
Saki - The Complete Novels and Plays of (alas, I haven't read any of his short stories, which are what I suppose he's best known for)
Jonathan Lethem - Gun, With Occasional Music
Franz Kafka - The Complete Stories (never been able to find a full collection in Norwegian, so I was really glad to find this)
Ralph Waldo Emerson - "The essential writings of...", edited by Brooks Atkinson. Huge volume from the Modern Library
Ambrose Bierce - The Collected Writings of
Mmmmmm, materialism