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the make friends thread!

What's so bad about having a stalker here? Everyone wants to feel loved don't they? And this is the 'make friends' thread afterall. Just because some people have different ways of showing their affections doesn't make them wrong. And just because sometimes their love can be scary, it doesn't mean it isn't equally as valid as reciprocated feelings. Restraining orders are like certificates of authenticity. You just don't get that with ordinary friendships.

You've made me sad now. I need to find myself an outlet for these negative emotions I'm feeling. Can't cope with all this hurt and rejection on my own. Need to share it. :(

I have Wabbit's home address around here somewhere...
i should think that would do nicely if you can spare it. :p though you may have to bear with me as i'm new to stalking, perhaps theres a stalking book i should read. "stalking for dummies" perhaps, except as you know i do it for turnips not dummies.
