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This is the only dust jacket that portrays Lolita as the child she is.
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Love4OneAnother said:I guess she would probobly like it if I did discuss what I was reading with her..but we've never done that. She likes completely different things than I do, and so we never really talked about books, just went into the library and then wandered our seperate ways.
And so I guess you guys are right-- there are so many other books on my 'Must Read' list, and that one isn't going anywhere.
However, I wanted this one!! xD While I feel like a small child throwing a tantrum, I had heard such things about this book, and Shade's post has only made me yearn to read it more.
But I'll wait. At least for another year and a half, when I can drive myself to the library.![]()
. xD
Ta, StillIStillILearn said:I'm happy to find that you'll be in on the BOTMC discussion on this one, MC.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Despite its lascivious reputation, the pleasures of Lolita are as much intellectual as erogenous. It is a love story with the power to raise both chuckles and eyebrows. Humbert Humbert is a European intellectual adrift in America, haunted by memories of a lost adolescent love. When he meets his ideal nymphet in the shape of 12-year-old Dolores Haze, he constructs an elaborate plot to seduce her, but first he must get rid of her mother. In spite of his diabolical wit, reality proves to be more slippery than Humbert's feverish fantasies, and Lolita refuses to conform to his image of the perfect lover.
It did take me awhile to get used to the writing style. Nabokov tended to explain things in an over-complicated way, which was a challenge at first, but after was a real joy to read. I understood that it was mirroring the complex mind of Humbert Humbert, and I believe that it helped me to better understand the type of person that H.H was. I think that this book is a great starter for me into the world of literature, as it wasn't overly complicated, yet I believe that it had elements of the complicated writing of literary books. Am I correct in this assumption.