My favorite movie scenes.
I don't actually put them in any order!
Blade Runner - actually the entire a movie is a highlight of great direction and cinematography, but i also absolutely love the end monologue of Roy Batty at the end, it always gives me shivers down my spine!
Memento - the opening sequence, a unique, brilliant and amazing opening to this wonderful masterpiece!
Delicatessen - the sex sequence and the "effects" it has on all the other people in the building; the bed spring seuqence when he wants to repair the bed and actually the entire movie is one brilliant scene after the other, a perfect movie!
Groundhog Day - When Phil constantly tries to kill himself; when he memorizes every detail of Rita and always gets a slap in the face at the end and tons of other hilarious and amazing scenes!
Taxi Driver - After the shootout, when the cops enter the room, Travis slowly forms his hand to gun, points it at his head and "shoots" three times, extremely powerful scene!
Gladiator - when Maximus first reveals his identity to Commodus, who thought he was dead, in the huge Colosseum, i absolutely love this scene!
The Thin Red Line - again i could say that this movie is a showcase of brilliant direction and cinematography, but especially the last shot of this film stands out as one of the most amazing final shots in any film i have ever seen!
The Godfather - the opening wedding sequence and the meeting of the gangster bosses, two highlights of this film!
Koyaanisqatsi - again the entire movie, some of my favorite scenes: the sky and clouds that melt and float like water over huge mountains; the shot of a beach with people sunbathing, the camera pans slowly to the left and it reveals a huge industry complex right behind the beach; the opening sequence with this meditative like chanting combined with beautiful landscape shots; ....... !
Dances with Wolves - the shot when the Indians leave Dunbar one evening, with the settling Sun in the background; the dancing sequence; the hunting sequence; the last scenes, when Dunbar leaves the winter place of his friends; and many other scenes and sequences!
There are tons of other wonderful scenes and sequences i can't recall right now or just would take too much time to list all of them