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Who is your favourite author, and why?

I love Stephenie Meyer Twilight series - just finished it yeasterday - but also I loved John Marsden's Tomorrow series and the Ellie Chronicles - wish he was writing another! - But I love both because they are teen perspectives on teen issues, loved em!!
It's hard to pinpoint a favorite author. There are a few that I will absolutely get anything that I see written by them. I love WEB Griffin, also Harry Turtledove and Nelson DeMille. Tom Clancy usually, but I'm not such a fan of his nonfiction.
YES! Kurt Vonnegut is amazing! You should probably start out the same way anyone who reads Vonnegut starts out, with Slaughterhouse 5. My favorite Vonnegut is Sirens of Titan.
Neal Stephenson. Because every single sentence in his books is meant to inform or entertain and there is not a single useless word in any of his books. Also because everything he writes is intelligent yet playful, he manipulates and alters the way you view the world as you're reading. I don't like how he write in present in a lot of his books though, it's weird and I'm not used to it, but it also makes me think more about what I'm reading.
YES! Kurt Vonnegut is amazing! You should probably start out the same way anyone who reads Vonnegut starts out, with Slaughterhouse 5. My favorite Vonnegut is Sirens of Titan.

I started out with cat's cradle, I thought most people started out with that, but then I went on a huge Vonnegut binge and read like everything he ever wrote and I think I'm sick of him. I'll need to wait a while to read Sirens of Titan, but is it good?
My favorite author is Homer Hickam. His Coalwood series and Josh Thurlow series are books you just can't put down. I teach his Rocket Boys in my English class. My kids think it's going to be boring and then they can't put it down. Then I hear from their parents who are also reading and loving it. An author who can do that is certainly worth checking out.

Homer Hickam is really good at taking real life and making it theatrical without taking away any of the reality, and I think that's why Rocket Boys was so good. October Sky was my favorite movie for a long time, and then like a year or so ago I finally got around to reading the book and liked it even more and then this year we read it in LA, I think everyone who bothered to read it liked it too. It's just sort of... charming
I started out with cat's cradle, I thought most people started out with that, but then I went on a huge Vonnegut binge and read like everything he ever wrote and I think I'm sick of him. I'll need to wait a while to read Sirens of Titan, but is it good?

Sirens of Titan is an excellent book - not quite as good as Cat's Cradle or Slaughterhouse-Five, but definitely one of his better ones. A philosophical satire masquerading as science fiction.
I started out with cat's cradle, I thought most people started out with that, but then I went on a huge Vonnegut binge and read like everything he ever wrote and I think I'm sick of him. I'll need to wait a while to read Sirens of Titan, but is it good?

Reading too much of one author at the same time can be ... uh... not good. Like you I couldn't get enough of Vonnegut and started reading his stuff like crazy, but I soon got tired of it and started reading other things again. It was wierd because I had to ajust out of Vonnegut's style to be able to read anything else again.

When reading, or watching movies or things like that I rarely evoke any physical emotion, but I swear at the end of Sirens of Titan I was bawling. I really liked Cat's Cradle as well, but the ending was very bleak and.... I'd say accurate, in a hyperbolic sort of way. The ending just made me feel ashamed to be a human. I think that's what he wanted.
Wow... I'm a jerk. Way to butt in on a thread and not even answer the initial question. Well, as you can probably assume, I like Kurt Vonnegut and Samuel Beckett.
Well, right now I am totally in love with Khaled Hosseini's writing, but P.G.Wodehouse is an eternal favorite.
It's always a tie between several: Mark Twain, Steven Brust, and Mary Renault all own my heart. Jean Plaidy's up there too.
This week it's Karin Slaughter.

That woman has a dark & twisted mind.

I tried to post a link to her website but I haven't posted enough to qualify :confused:
NYG, I had never heard of Karin Slaughter so I went to her site. Your mentioning her twisted mind got my attention. I will have to check her out. The link to her site (since you were unable to post it) is:
:: Karin Slaughter ::

Sounds very interesting.
It is hard to pick one author! I have enjoyed Charles Dickens´ books - ¨David Copperfield¨ and also ¨A Tale of Two Cities¨¨, but my all time favourite book is ¨The Scarlet Pimpernel¨by Baroness Orczy.

I have read a few books by James Patterson, but ¨You´ve Been Warned¨was one of the worst books I have ever read and I don´t know if I will be so keen on these book in the futre, though I will read the 8th book in the Women´s Murder Club series!

I also really enjoyed ¨Shadow of the Wind¨by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and am looking forward to his new book coming out later this year!
My favorite authors are DeSade, Kathryn Harrison, and Anais Nin. I like the topics they write about and I don't think you could find writing quite like theirs anywhere and I like that a lot.
My favorite authors are DeSade, Kathryn Harrison, and Anais Nin. I like the topics they write about and I don't think you could find writing quite like theirs anywhere and I like that a lot.
You might take a look in the Romance section.:) at least you might find something close to Anais Nin.