OK... Let's get down to it! There have been some, for want of a better word, pretty cool characters to grace the pages of books and indeed movies. But that one is THE best? What is the THE coolest and what one would you want to be, given the choice? 
Let us look at the choices!
Personally, a pirate life is for me! ARRRR me hearties! What better life? Grog! Wenches! Sword fighting! Sailing the seven seas in search O treasure, MORE grog and adventure!
It has to be said that Vikings come a VERY close second! Vikings get to burn, rape and pillage! Plus, they get to go to Valhalla! You get taken up by scanty clad maidens to the halls of the heros where you spend the rest of your life eating, drinking and fighting! What could be better? It should beats sitting on a damn cloud all day with a sodding harp!
So... cast your votes! What is your coolest of cool? What character would you be and why?

Let us look at the choices!
- Pirate
- Ninja
- Samurai
- Cowboy
- Knight
- Viking
Personally, a pirate life is for me! ARRRR me hearties! What better life? Grog! Wenches! Sword fighting! Sailing the seven seas in search O treasure, MORE grog and adventure!
It has to be said that Vikings come a VERY close second! Vikings get to burn, rape and pillage! Plus, they get to go to Valhalla! You get taken up by scanty clad maidens to the halls of the heros where you spend the rest of your life eating, drinking and fighting! What could be better? It should beats sitting on a damn cloud all day with a sodding harp!
So... cast your votes! What is your coolest of cool? What character would you be and why?