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Best of the best.

Choose :)

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New Member
OK... Let's get down to it! There have been some, for want of a better word, pretty cool characters to grace the pages of books and indeed movies. But that one is THE best? What is the THE coolest and what one would you want to be, given the choice? :D

Let us look at the choices!

  • Pirate
  • Ninja
  • Samurai
  • Cowboy
  • Knight
  • Viking

Personally, a pirate life is for me! ARRRR me hearties! What better life? Grog! Wenches! Sword fighting! Sailing the seven seas in search O treasure, MORE grog and adventure!

It has to be said that Vikings come a VERY close second! Vikings get to burn, rape and pillage! Plus, they get to go to Valhalla! You get taken up by scanty clad maidens to the halls of the heros where you spend the rest of your life eating, drinking and fighting! What could be better? It should beats sitting on a damn cloud all day with a sodding harp!

So... cast your votes! What is your coolest of cool? What character would you be and why?

It's got to be pirates. Ooh arrrrrr. Besides which, I was classically trained in the art of Ship's Parrotting. And for once, I am actually telling the truth. :eek:

And as for Vikings, I'm English dammit. I'll spork them on the beaches, I'll spork them on their long boats, I'll spork them in their silly pointy hats. Aint no Viking hiding under my table. :mad:
Okay, let's break it down.

Knight- You've got that pain in the ass armor that you have to wear all the time and hot-tubbing is out of the question.

Cowboy- You can't step anywhere without the fear of sinking knee deep in horse shite.

Samurai- The job looks pretty cool but I'm not sticking a blade in any part of my body just to save face. And besides, I can only speak english.

Ninja- See part 2 of explaination above.

Pirate- Sure it sounds exciting but beeing cooped up on a ship without Marry Ann or Ginger would be the pits. (I know, I know, there were women pirates too but not enough to go around)

Viking- Out of all the choices I think this would fit me best. The men were men, the women were ripe for the taking and you had your own cool Gods.

BUT...My number one choice was one that you left off...........

The American Indian.

These people had it all 'til Whitey came along :D
There was nature, killing, playing games,dancing, a true sense of community, even the ocassional drug binge.

Add them to your list and I'll place my vote :)

SillyWabbit said:

Trust you, I say trust you to be awkward!!! You, you, awkward thing! :D


You MUST be talking to moi 'cause I KNOW you ain't talking to me like that :D

(Watch it Wabbit...I've got warm enema on speed dial) :p
Leave it to YOU to wear Martin's poor pancakes as a cap. :eek:

Though I admit they are quite becomming :D

Strangely, I'm not finding any of these appealing right now. :( Perhaps because they all sound so energetic, and I'm very lazy.
Cowboy for me. Mainly because I picture myself riding across the plains and through the valleys, in the sunshine. I wouldn't be a rootin' tootin' shoot 'em up cowboy. I'd just be out there herding some cattle, or checking up on this or that. Then back to the homestead in the evening for some victuals.
I finally chose Ninja, but only if I can be the kind that learns all the secret Ninja stuff Matrix-style, dumped straight into my head. Can't be bothered with years of study.
Aaaarrrr, I choose Pirate. I'm all about sword fighting and traveling the seven seas. I just hope that sea sickness doesn't get in my way.... :eek:
*shoots the American Indians and throws them overboard to davey jones locker!!!!*


Damn pirates don't play fair :mad:

You're supposed to put your ships in a circle and give us all your white women :mad:

*takes his arrows and stomps home!!!*


psssst....american indians rule :D
You know, I think I really want to be a prehistoric shaman, somewhere on the coast. THAT sounds cool.
Given my Scandinavian nationality - and Viking ancestry - I must choose the Vikings. Never were there a more upright, heroic, altruistic, peaceloving, righteous, fair and brave people. :D :D

So they murdered a few here and there? So they raped a few here and there? That doesn't count in big picture. :)

And Litany...

The big picture is: The vikings civilized England. :p :p

There you have it!

Close runner-up'er must be the Knights (they were really well-integrated 3rd og 4th generation vikings). Who taught the knights to wield a sword? The vikings, of course. :cool:

- oh and I lo-o-ove sword fighting. Watching it, I mean.... :D :D

Hobitten :)
hobitten said:
And Litany...

The big picture is: The vikings civilized England. :p :p

Have you ever even been to England? If this is civil I'd hate to live somewhere that was rude. Nope. Sorry. All the Vikings did was criminalise table cloths and rape our sheep.
Litany said:
Have you ever even been to England? If this is civil I'd hate to live somewhere that was rude. Nope. Sorry. All the Vikings did was criminalise table cloths and rape our sheep.

I have actually lived in England for a year. And been back on a regular basis, to visit friends. :cool:

I must say, you still have a long way to go. But compared to say, Mordor, I would call you civilized. :p

What happened to the table cloths? You don't use table cloths. You don't use dinner tables. :confused: :confused:

I must point out, that that is not a trait you have inherited from us. We use dinner tables - and table cloths. :p :p

We do not invite family and friends over for dinner, and having them sit on the couch, balancing a plate of food on their knees. :(

So there....


(sorry about the sheep, though :eek: )