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Bye for awhile :)

Welcome Back Mr. Wabbit. It's been pretty damn quiet around here recently. I didn't realise you'd buggered off to Barcelona! :D
Now are you blaming Wabbit for all the spam that goes on? :eek: (Good call - I would too :D )
Hey, you could have waited a few days to pick on the bunny. You know, gone easy with me for awhile. Oh baby, be gentle!

Spam, yes, but it's all quality! ( fingers behind back ) :D
That Pancake better have had Nutella on it :D Mmmmmmmm now I feel like nutella pancakes - damn you! :p
Of course it does!!!! Only the best for you babe! ;)

Hehe, go get some! I had some while I was on holiday. Yumtastic :D
I think you mean kings, as i strongly deny any rumours of having been part of a Phil-Martin dual entity ;)

But, oh yes, we did rule!! :D

You're right - we were a Martin-Phil dual entity.

Good thing we separated, though - you were getting a bit obnoxious.

dele said:
Back already? How was the trip?

Yup, the bunny is back! :cool:

The trip was good. Thanks for asking :) I drank the tap water and lived to tell the tale! I'll post my thoughts on Barcelona and a couple of pics soon when I get my brain together and have some time!
SillyWabbit said:
Yup, the bunny is back! :cool:

The trip was good. Thanks for asking :) I drank the tap water and lived to tell the tale! I'll post my thoughts on Barcelona and a couple of pics soon when I get my brain together and have some time!
Did you miss me sweetheart? I missed you :(